Top 25 Wild Bird Photographs of the Week #91

Posted by Steve Boyes of National Geographic Expeditions in Bird Watch on June 9, 2017

The Coppersmith Barbet gets its name from its metronomic call that sounds like a coppersmith striking metal with a hammer. Photo by Sanjoy Adak.
Black-Tailed Godwits forage by probing the mud (up to 36 times a minute) and sometimes, they get lucky! Photo by Aravind Venkatraman.
The Striated Laughingthrush’s natural habitat is moist, tropical or subtropical lowland forest in Indian subcontinent. Photo by Ranvirr Aadityaa‎.
A Purple-banded Sunbird gets its nectar fix in Zimbabwe. Photo by Roger MacDonald.
A Double Crested Cormorant catches a slippery lunch. Photo by Paula Lane‎.
Hovering is an energy-intensive activity, achieved by beating the wings more or less horizontally – to provide lift but not thrust. Common Kingfisher by Mousam Ray‎.
Black-naped Monarch female builds a cup like nest in the fork of a branch while the male stands guard. Photo by Kiran Halder‎.
A female Southern Masked Weaver inspects the nest that her male has just made for her. Photo by Mary Walker.
Male Pied Harriers court females by performing sky-dancing displays: undulating, rollercoaster-like flights up to 1,000 feet off the ground. Photo by Gautam Ghosh.
A beautiful close-up portrait of a Brahminy Kite by Prasanna Raju.
When a Turquoise-browed Motmot sees a predator it will wag its tail which indicates to the predator that it has seen it and is ready to flee if necessary. Photo by William Steele‎.
Red-and-Green Macaw are monogamous and mate for life. Photo by Hymakar Valluri.
Male Golden Pheasants only displays their impressive ruffs when it is performing a courtship dance. Photo by Jay Shah‎.
The Cinereous Tit is distinct in its Tit Genus in having a grey-back, black hood, white cheek patch and a white wing-bar. Photo by Vishal Monakar.
An unusual encounter between the nocturnal Barn Owl and the diurnal Black Kite. Photo by Rejaul Karim.
Due to destruction of their natural habitat, its is estimated that there are just 10 000 adult Rufous Necked Hornbills left in the wild. Photo by Arnab Rayc‎.
The majestic White-bellied Sea Eagle holds cultural symbolism for many Australian indigenous cultures. Photo by Shantharam Holla‎.
The Red-Billed Leiothrix is native to China and the Himalayas but has been introduced to other lands such as Hawaii. Photo by Anirban Mitra.
The Himalayan Monal is the national bird of Nepal. Photo by Mamta Megha‎.
Red-wattled Lapwings soak their belly feathers to provide water to their chicks as well as to cool the eggs during hot weather. Photo by Rajesh Chaube‎.
Lesser Egrets are sociable birds but don’t tolerate others coming to close to their feeding grounds. Photo by Narahari Kanike‎.
Lesser Flamingos are the most numerous flamingo species but they are listed as near-threatened due to habitat loss. Photo by Ashish Chauhan‎.
All the better to eat you with! A Brown-headed Gull shows off its impressive gape. Photo by Manoj K. Bind.
Yellow Wattled Lapwing chicks are considered “Nidifugous” which means they leave the nest shortly after hatching or birth. Photo by Rahul Chakraborty.
The Carmine Bee-eater is a migratory species who breeds in Zimbabwe but spends its summer in South Africa. Photo by Carrie Pretorius Mostert‎.

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