We welcome all members and friends of the Palomar Audubon Society to participate in the upcoming Escondido Christmas bird count which will be held on Saturday, January 5, 2019. The Escondido count circle also takes in the San Pasqual Valley and portions of Valley Center, Ramona, and Poway.
Participants in the count will join one of twenty teams, each of which observes the birds within a specific area within the count circle. Teams begin the count early in the morning and continue birding until the early afternoon. Participants will then meet at Kit Carson Park for a lunch and the compilation of all species identified during the day.
Please note that due to the planning involved in setting up many teams, we cannot, unfortunately, accomodate last-minute requests to join the count.
If you have not been previously contacted regarding the count, please return the following information to me.
Ken Weaver
count compiler