Big Morongo Trip Report

Hello Friends, Linda and I just got home from Yucca Valley. We previewed Morongo preserve on the 19th and camped at Black Rock Canyon in Joshua Tree to allow us easy access to the preserve to do so.

I did not know about the storm damage to the site( which disappointed me) prior to our arrival so Linda and I scoured  the entire available area to find the best birding opportunities for our group.

Fortunately the opportunities and birds provided were adequate and cooperative enough to pull it together. I was very pleased with the participation from Palomar Audubon.

Vermillion Flycatchers on their nest and posing for us were showing off their beautiful selves at the entrance to the boardwalks.

We saw an Olive Sided Flycatcher, a Greater Roadrunner, Costa’s Hummingbird, Verdin; standing on one of the available platforms, I think it may have been Dottie or Robin who exclaimed “red bird alert” and some got a glimpse of the Summer Tanager. We found the Great Horned Owls which are always a group favorite.  Thank you Big Morongo Preserve and Covington Park for attracting and providing for so many migrants and locals alike.  I am glad that some of you saw some lifers.

Thank you for trusting  me with this one and allowing us to be to your avail.

I have attached a morning list and an afternoon list below

Trip Leaders: Gerry & Linda Baade

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