Dairy Mart, etc. bird walk

On Saturday, August 26, approximately 30 PAS birders visited Dairy Mart Ponds, Tijuana Valley Regional Ranger Station, the Bird and Butterfly Garden, and the nearby Community Gardens finding a grand total of 49 species!  Highlights of the day were White-tailed Kites, Least Bell’s Vireo, Hutton’s Vireo and Common Ground-doves.  The birders included many of our “regulars,” and a nice addition of several others, fairly new to the group, whom we hope to see on future trips as well. We were happy to again welcome our two teenage birders and photographers extraordinaire, Justin and Faith. Kudos to Gerry Baade for compiling the E-bird list and helping us hack our way through the downed willows blocking the boardwalk.  Also thank you to Gjon Hazard, a very experienced birder, who probably added a half dozen species to the list with his talent for recognizing bird calls.  It was a fun day, and I enjoyed myself very much!

Hal Benham






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