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Wm Heise County Park/Santa Ysabel Mission Field Trip
June 22, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

GPS: 33.040154, -116.593526
Rating: Moderate to Hard (roads, dirt trails, parts rocky, parts steep incline)
From Escondido take Hwy 78 east (from San Diego take Hwy 67 east) to Ramona, then Hwy 78 toward Julian, past Santa Ysabel. After the town of Wynola, start looking for the sign on your right for William Heise County Park (1 mile west of Julian). Turn right on Pine Hill Road and drive south for 2 miles to Frisius Road. Turn left (east) onto Frisius Road, and drive another 2 miles to the park entrance. We will meet in the parking lot.
There is a parking fee, but free with a senior County pass.
We will also drive to Santa Ysabel Mission to look for orioles and other spring/summer migrants.
Bring a lunch for an after-birding picnic at the mission.
Expect warm weather.
Further Information on Location – Here