PAS Field Trip Report: Lake Wolford

Hello Bird Enthusiasts,

About twenty-seven birders met at Lake Wohlford yesterday and walked Egret Trail to the service road on the south side of the lake. Coincidentally, this was the day the lake was freshly stocked with Rainbow Trout, so the lake was abuzz with fishing activity. The parking lot for this area is not known for its ease of access and maneuverability and being more crowded led to creative parking patterns or maybe I should say anti-patterns. Once out of our cars, though, we were greeted by numerous turkey vultures, perched high in several areas, exhibiting spread-wing posturing allowing the sun to warm their wings. It would have been an ominous, foreboding sight for some, but we as birders, were delighted by the welcoming, warm, and fuzzy feelings of the display.

Our walk began with temperatures in the low 50s and ended in the mid 60s with mostly clear skies and calm winds. We identified 58 species. Cormorants and pelicans were abundant for this location, as well as several species of ducks and grebes. We had brief glimpses of one of the bald eagles and a rare Dark-eyed Junco (Gray-headed) to off the day.

I would like to thank all the birders who joined Palomar Audubon yesterday. Everyone adds value to the experience. A huge amount of gratitude goes out to Steve Ellis for compiling the eBird checklist, our scope man Patrick, and all those contributing photographs.

It was a special birding day, and apparently a good fishing day, too! Please see our eBird checklist by clicking on the link below or pasting it into your browser.

Thank you.

Bird On!
Mary Jo Hayes
Escondido, CA

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