PAS Field Trip Report: Tijuana Estuary

On December 28th, 16 birders got up early in the morning so they could meet at the Tijuana Estuary Visitors Center in order to enjoy the wildlife and community of bird enthusiasts. We started our day finding a Yellow-headed Amazon palling around with a Red-crowned Amazon from the parking lot which must have been a magical omen because shortly thereafter, one of our crew manifested a Green-tailed Towhee merely by mentioning the bird. It was an overcast day with a light breeze which had our San Diego bones shivering a bit, but the birds made up for it. We had lots of ducks, marsh birds, and raptors at the estuary, and meadowlarks, blackbirds, and a vermillion flycatcher at the park. Afterward, many of us drove to the end of Sea Coast Drive to walk along the beach toward Mexico. We were able to find a Black Scoter in the raft of Surf Scoters and the few of us that really trudged our way down the beach were delighted by many adorable Snowy Plovers zooting around the dunes. Thanks, as always to our fab photographers and to Steve Ellis for keeping the list, we saw a total of 76 species of birds. See the ebird report here:

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