Protect Ospreys From Toxic Chemicals

National Wildlife Federation Action Fund

Ospreys at Risk from Toxic Chemicals


Help strengthen toxic chemical reform>>

Ospreys are skilled fishers—diving feet first into the water to catch their prey.

But these soaring raptors are threatened by toxic substances that pollute waters and accumulate in fish they feed on—including chemicals in flame retardants, cleaning products, and plastics.

Take action to stop dangerous chemicals from poisoning ospreys.

For ospreys, the devastating pollutants just keep coming. As soon as one harmful chemical is phased out new ones enter the food chain.

The constant addition of untested chemicals into the environment is endangering wildlife—often in ways that take years to discover.

Right now we have a chance to reform the main law that regulates toxic chemicals, so that it is strong enough to protect vulnerable birds, fish, frogs and mammals from an onslaught of toxic pollution.

Speak up for ospreys in support of reforming and strengthening toxic chemicals laws.

We’ve been battling tooth and nail to make toxic chemical reform in Congress meaningful.

Now, the Senate’s bipartisan toxic chemical reform bill, called “The Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act,” fixes the biggest problems with our current law.

This bill would make sure the safety of chemicals is evaluated using sound science, rather than based on cost. It would prioritize testing the most dangerous chemicals first. And, this bill would help prevent new chemicals from entering the marketplace if they are thought to be unsafe.

Urge your U.S. senators to support meaningful toxic chemical reform to prevent dangerous chemicals from harming ospreys and at-risk wildlife across the nation.

Thanks for all you do to protect wildlife.


AndyAndy Buchsbaum
Interim Executive Director, NWF Action Fund

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