San Jacinto Wildlife Area Trip Report

Hi, Birders,

It was another great day at SJWA. The sun shone, around 50-69 degrees, snow covered the tops of San Gorgonio, San Jacinto and Mt. Baldy, no wind, and the mud wasn’t bad at all.  Many birds showed up, but a few didn’t, mainly eagles, bitterns, kites and pelicans. Also, not as many duck species as in years past. There was so much water along Davis Rd. and surely other places where they could eat and hang out away from prying eyes.  The ponds on the refuge were almost full to brimming, so there were not many mud flats with easy viewing.

We had a good chance to study the five swallow species often flying at eye level or below. That was where the bugs were, “flocks”  of little midges, or the like, which we managed to walk through without eating too many.

Highlights for many was the Great Horned Owl perched in full view and the another one mostly obscured on its nest, the acrobatic swallows, the four Vermillion Flycatchers, perhaps the Canyon Wren, perched high up on a big rock, a first for me at this refuge, and the kittling Swainson’s Hawks seen by some.

Here is the link to the eBird list:

Many thanks to Steve Ellis for keeping the list and everybody for spotting and photographing the birds.

Sally Sanderson

Trip facilitator

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