Exciting Selection of Sessions Spanning All Birding Experience Levels
Palomar Audubon Society is offering bird classes on nine (9) consecutive Wednesday evenings beginning March 13, 2024.
The first three classes, (March 13, 20 & 27) are foundational, geared towards beginning birders. The next three classes, (April 3, 10 and 17) cover intermediate birding topics. The final three sessions, (April 24, May 1 and May 8) will cover advanced birding techniques. Each class is 90 minutes in duration and begins at 6:30 PM.
In addition, there will be four field trips. Three field trips will be held on Saturdays and one on Friday as further detailed below. All class registrants are welcome to attend all field trips regardless of how many classes you sign up for.
Class Location: Each class session will be held at the Remington Club, Building 2, at 16925 Hierba Drive, San Diego, CA 92128.
Course Content
Beginning birding: birding basics, field markings and identification of local birds.
Intermediate class: bird behavior, sexual dimorphism and seasonal plumages.
Advanced class: additional techniques to identify birds including vocalizations and tracks
Field Trips
#1) Rancho Bernardo / Lake Hodges area, meet up location to be confirmed prior to the outing
Saturday, March 23, 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
#2) Ramona Grasslands, will meet in the parking lot of Mt. Woodson Elementary School in Ramona
Saturday, April 6, 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
#3) Crown Point, meeting location to be confirmed prior to the outing
Friday, April 19, 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
#4) Kit Carson Park, Escondido, meet up location designated prior to outing
Saturday, May 4, 8:00 AM- 11:00 AM
Cost for any one series of three (3) classes is $ 60.00. Discounts are applied for enrollment in multiple sessions.
The courses will be led by Phoenix Von Hendy, a long-time birding leader in San Diego County and a certified tracker naturalist. For questions about the course contact Palomar Audubon at palomaraudubon.org or contact Linda Baade.
To register: Complete the form below and mail with a check to Palomar Audubon Society, P.O. Box 2483, Escondido, Ca. 92033-2483.
The deadline for registration is March 6, 2023.
(Can be filled out online before printing)