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Palomar Mountain Field Trip
June 29, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 11:30 am

GPS: 33.341822,-116.901355
Rating: Moderate (uneven mountain trail, elevation climb)
This field trip will start from the parking lot at Doane Pond. Leave the Escondido area before 7 a.m. From I-15, take Highway 76 east to Highway S6, north to Palomar Mountain. Or from Escondido, take Highway S6 to Palomar Mountain. At the mountaintop, at the S7 intersection stop sign, turn left and continue for 3 miles on State Park Rd. to the Palomar Mountain State Park entrance. There is a day use fee. Proceed 1.5 miles to the Doane Pond/School Camp area.
Note: The State of California has recently increased the day-use parking fee. Carpooling is highly recommended.
Restroom at the start of the walk, but none on the trail.
Bring a lunch for an after-walk picnic.
Expect warm weather.
Further Information on Location – Here