Hi Friends,
On a beautiful Saturday morning June 4, fifteen birders met up in 2 separate areas near Julian. We birded Wm. Heise County Park and then met up for a picnic lunch and birded the nearby Santa Ysabel Mission. We found 48 different bird species total at both locations.
Lots of Wild Turkeys, Acorn Woodpeckers, Bushtits, Lesser Goldfinches, & Cliff Swallows. The most surprising bird species was the flyover of the adult Bald Eagle spotted at the Mission. The Bald Eagle was seen later perched in a very distant tree.
Checkout the two eBird reports from Steve Ellis to see some nice photos of the birds we found.
Here is our bird species list:
California Quail
Wild Turkey
Great Blue Heron (flyover)
Turkey Vulture
Bald Eagle
Red-tailed Hawk
Band-tailed Pigeon
Eurasian Collard-Dove
Mourning Dove
Anna’s Hummingbird
Acorn Woodpecker
Nuttall’s Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Western Wood-Pewee
Black Phoebe
Say’s Phoebe
Ash-throated Flycatcher
Cassin’s Kingbird
Western Kingbird
Steller’s Jay
California Scrub-Jay
American Crow
Common Raven
Violet-green Swallow
Cliff Swallow
Mountain Chickadee
Oak Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
House Wren
Bewick’s Wren
Western Bluebird
American Robin
California Thrasher
Northern Mockingbird
Spotted Towhee
California Towhee
Song Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Black-headed Grosbeak
Brown-headed Cowbird
Hooded Oriole
Bullock’s Oriole
House Finch
Lesser Goldfinch
House Finch
Trip leader, JIM BECKMAN