Guajome Regional Park Trip Report

Today on our weekly field trip we walked Guajome Regional Park. The weather was a bit overcast, initially keeping it cool, but it certainly heated up by the end of the walk. My initial headcount was a whopping 26 birders. Somehow, by the end of the walk our group had grown to 44. Now we may not have had a record bird specie count for Guajome, but we are sure that headcount was a record. Lots of new faces and enthusiasm.

In total we saw 47 species. Notable was the three California Quail which no one seemed to recall seeing before. Guajome is a super place to get a good look at both the Common Gallinule and the Sora. They did not disappoint and provided long looks for most. This time, the California Thrasher made an appearance and was calling continuously from a dead snag. He more than made up for the missing Roadrunner. New to the group, Justin, a super-sharp 13-year-old birder, pointed out to me a pair of White-faced Ibis. Finally, we saw two of the usually allusive Green Herons.

Some of you may have thought you saw a Pacific-slope Flycatcher. You did not. You saw a Western Flycatcher. The lumpers were at it again and the Pacific-slope and Cordilleran flycatcher have now been lumped back together.

For those of you who would like to view our total list please click on the link below. Our many thanks to our wonderful PAS photographers who captured many stunning images.


Diane Walkley,

Trip Leader

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