Dairy Mart Pond Trip Report, April 13, 2024

On a cool, overcast day, approximately 28 birders found a total of 62 species at Dairy Mart Pond, Tijuana River Valley Ranger Station and the SD Bird and Butterfly Garden.  Highlights were four species of swallows, three species of vireos, breeding plumage Avocets, Black-necked Stilts and Eared Grebes, 3 species of goldfinches, Common Ground Dove and a bright red Northern Cardinal at the ranger station! It was thrilling to get close looks and photos of the brilliant Yellow-breasted Chat!  Thanks to Steve Ellis for compiling the lists, and to our talented photographers for sharing their photos.  It was, as usual, a lively, friendly, enjoyable group!  Lots of very good birders, making my job a breeze! Thanks for the fun, everyone!

Hal Benham, Trip Leader

Here are the links for the ebird checklists.




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