PAS Field Trip Report: La Jolla Cove

Saturday, October 12, 2024, started out cool and foggy as 17 PAS birders discovered 28 species at the Point La Jolla Seawatch location at La Jolla Cove.  We were very fortunate to be guided by Stan Walens, who undoubtedly, knows more about birds at that location than anyone else.  We thoroughly enjoyed his expertise and patient discussions regarding the birds we found.  The Black Oystercatcher, Pelagic Cormorant, and Wandering Tattler were birds of the day.  We also viewed fly-by Common Loons several times. Royal Terns were in abundance, as were Brandt’s Cormorants. Although the birds out at sea were hard to spot due to the fog, we got good looks at most of our favorites and were not disappointed. Stan birds this location almost daily, starting at sunrise, and invited interested birders to join him.  He said any of our members are welcome to E-mail him at, and he will be happy to meet you there! A big thank you to Steve Ellis, who is always so efficient about signing us all in each time, keeping track of all the birds sighted, and getting the E-bird report out to us so quickly. What would we do without him?! Here is a link to his report:


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