Category Archives: Bird Walks

Bataquitos Lagoon Birdwalk results

Hi birders, We had 16 birders on this mornings walk at Bataquitos lagoon where we saw and or heard 50 species.  The weather started out cool and overcast but warmed up quickly when the sun broke through around 10am. Dave … Continue reading

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Oak Hill Memorial Park — Field Trip Results

Hi Friends, On Saturday Sept 8, twenty-one birders met for a really fun walk around Oak Hill Memorial Park. The weather was comfortable early on, but the heat became more apparent as we finished-up. The best birds of the day … Continue reading

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Southeast Arizona Trip Report

From August 11-13, 12 birders from Palomar Audubon birded Southeast Arizona with expert guide Melody Kehl. Here is the bird list. For a more detailed report on the trip, please refer to this month’s Band Tales. Hal Benham SPECIES SEEN … Continue reading

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Peñasquitos Canyon – East Trip Report

Nine birders enjoyed the cooler weather, overcast with a slight breeze. It was fairly quiet bird wise, but we managed to see 27 species. Highlights were Sharp-shinned Hawk, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and Wrentit. Mourning Dove Anna’s Hummingbird Allen’s Hummingbird Double-crested Cormorant … Continue reading

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Kit Carson Field Trip Results

This morning, August 25, we had 15 birders under overcast skies. We spotted 44 species of birds. Mallard Pied-billed Grebe Great Egret Snowy Egret Turkey Vulture Red-shouldered Hawk Red-tailed Hawk American Coot Spotted Sandpiper Eurasian Collard Dove Mourning Dove White-throated … Continue reading

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Dairy Mart Pond & Nearby Areas – Field Trip Report

Dear Friends, Here’s our field trip report for last Saturday’s (August 18) field trip to the Tijuana River Valley. The weather was warm but a cool breeze made for a comfortable walk. We had fifteen birders. We found 49 species at Dairy … Continue reading

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Santee Lakes Field Trip Results

Hi Friends, On Saturday August 11, fifteen determined birders walked around Santee Lakes. The weather was hot. When we finished the hike, it was 100+degrees. We found 45 bird species. A good number for summer birding. The best birds for … Continue reading

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Stonewall Mine August 4, 2018 Trip Results

11 birders enjoyed a warm, breezy (most of the time) hike from Stonewall Mine to Cuyamaca Lake and back.  Also a big southern pacific rattlesnake right on the trail on our bird walk. Nice specimen seen by all. Here is the … Continue reading

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Robb Field & Famosa Slough Trip Report

Had 30 participants at Robb Field and the group whittled down to 12 at Famosa Slough. The weather was overcast with a cool breeze off the ocean. The tide was low and we saw a good verity of shorebirds and … Continue reading

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Trip Report, Tecolote Canyon, 7/21/2018

Good morning, all. Below is the trip report for last Saturday’s walk at Tecolote Canyon. We began with 9 stalwart souls, but lost several along the way because of the heat. At 10 AM, I declared the walk over—again, because … Continue reading

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Guajome County Park — Field Trip Results

Hi Friends, On Saturday July 14, thirteen birders walked around Guajome County Park in Oceanside.  The weather was cool and comfortable early on, but as expected, became very warm and humid at the end of our hike.  We found 40 bird species. … Continue reading

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Trip Report – Tijuana Slough NWR, Jul 7, 2018

Hello, all.  Below is yesterday’s bird tally from Tijuana Slough, the ocean side of Seacoast Drive, and the end of 13th Street looking north into the bay.  Despite the dire weather predictions, the ocean breeze kept the heat very tolerable for … Continue reading

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Lake Murray Field Trip Results

Hi Birders, On Saturday morning June 30, twenty-three birders checked-out Lake Murray. For the most part, the weather was perfect for our leisurely walk. We found 42 bird species. Great looks at several young Cooper’s Hawks, a large covey of … Continue reading

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Field Trip Results — Palomar Mountain

Hi Friends, Eleven birders met up on Saturday morning for fun walk on Palomar Mountain. The weather was very pleasant and we found 31 bird species. The best bird of the day has to be a beautiful bright male Purple … Continue reading

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PAS Cuyamaca bird walk 6/16/18

It was a cool, comfortable day for birding. 12 birders saw or heard 49 species. Highlights were the Indigo Bunting, nesting Bullock’s Orioles and calling Dusky Flycatcher. Wild Turkey (outside park) California Quail Turkey Vulture Bald Eaglle (Cuyamaca Lake) Red-shouldered … Continue reading

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Agua Dulce Creek trip Report, Jun 9, 2018

Birders, It was a beautiful day in the Lagunas, cool in the morning warming up later. I felt the numbers of species and counts were down. Flowers and bugs were were sparse , too. There was water in the creek. … Continue reading

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Arizona Trip – Sign Up Now!

Dear PAS Birding Friends, TRIP ANNOUNCEMENT:  We are putting together a trip to Southeast Arizona in August, which is the monsoon season, and sure to produce many “Arizona Specialties” for us!  The date will be August 10-13, with an option … Continue reading

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William Heise / Santa Ysabel Mission Trip Report

Twelve birders enjoyed sunny, warm weather with a slight breeze. Highlight was a Purple Finch. William Heise County Park: 34 Species Wild Turkey Turkey Vulture Red-shouldered Hawk Band-tailed Pigeon Mourning Dove Anna’s Hummingbird Acorn Woodpecker Nuttall’s Woodpecker Northern Flicker Western … Continue reading

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