Category Archives: Bird Walks

Filed Trip Results for San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary

There were 13 birders on the walk.  The weather was warm and clear.  Outstanding looks at Allen’s Hummingbirds and Ospreys on a nest.  I list the Dowitchers as Long-bill, since eBird had Short-bill as a rarity for this site.  We … Continue reading

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Salton Sea & Brawley Area Field Trip Results

Hi Everyone, Last weekend, February 8th & 9th, thirty birders and our trip leader, Bob Miller, checked-out many areas around the Salton Sea and Brawley. We had a fantastic time! The weather was perfect and we all enjoyed each other’s … Continue reading

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Oak Hill Cemetery Field Trip Report

Once again we had a great group of Birders. There were 33 of Us and 47 of them (birds that is). I scouted out the area on Friday, but really appreciated Sonja and Mike finding birds the morning before the … Continue reading

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Guajome Park Bird Walk Trip Report

A beautiful day as 22 PAS birders, age nine to ??? set out canvas Guajome Park. This trip included our two youthful birding experts whom the club is sponsoring to the Summer birding camp this summer in Colorado. With such … Continue reading

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Dos Picos/Rangeland Road Field Trip Report

Hi Everyone, Yesterday, January 18, twenty four birders walked around Dos Picos County Park and Rangeland Road in Ramona and found 67 different bird species. The weather was perfect. Good looks at a Green Heron, Loggerhead Shrike, and a Red-naped … Continue reading

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Sweetwater River Field Trip Report

Seventeen birders enjoyed a beautiful sunny day looking at birds and dodging bikers. We had outstanding views of two male Eurasian Wigeons in full sun. Also were treated to California Gnatcatchers, Little Blue Heron, and an Osprey and Brown Pelican … Continue reading

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Field Trip eBird Report – Dixon Lake, Jan 4, 2014

Birders, Thank you for your help today with not only finding the birds but with aiding new and visiting birders. Our final number increased when I redid the list, forgot the corvids completely and the bushtits!!! The Canvasback was a … Continue reading

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Tijuana Estuary Bird Walk Report

Good afternoon,   25 people ditched the holiday shopping crowd to enjoy a relaxed and fun morning of great birding in and around Tijuana estuary.  They were rewarded with 3 San Diego county rarities for their efforts; Hepatic Tanager, Black … Continue reading

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San Elijo Lagoon Bird Walk Report

22 birder’s enjoyed a clear, crisp and beautiful morning chasing our fine-feathered friends.  Highlights included a pair of Hooded mergansers, a very accomadating Pergegrine falcon (that let the whole group get long and close looks of), and a Summer tanager. … Continue reading

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Lake Elsinore Field Trip Results

Hi Everyone, Yesterday, December 7, thirteen birders braved some pretty rough weather at Lake Elsinore, but we managed to find 53 different bird species. The bird of the day had to be the Burrowing Owl. Here’s our list: Gadwall American … Continue reading

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Salt Works Field Trip Results

Hi Friends, Yesterday, Saturday, November 30th, nineteen birders checked out the Salt Works in Chula Vista, with perfect weather, and we found 63 bird species. Many thanks go out to our friend and FWS Ranger, Debbie Good, for arranging our … Continue reading

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Trip Report for San Jacinto Wildlife Area, Nov 24, 2013

Birders, We were really blessed with great weather, snow on the mountain tops, and some pretty good birds. And good company, our birding pal from Vancouver and his wife, and another out-of-town couple we invited to join us for the … Continue reading

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Lindo Lake Field Trip Report

Under gray clouds and occasional light sprinkles, 15 birders were treated to a San Diego rarity.  We were able to find two Swamp Sparrows in the same location (NW corner of dry lake) that was reported Friday.  The bird was … Continue reading

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Lake Hodges East Field Trip Report

A large group of over 50 birders enjoyed perfect weather and a good variety of species. The water level was the lowest we have seen in years. The group was divided into 3 groups with Jim Beckman and Doug Nail … Continue reading

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Trip Report for Mission Bay Flood Control

Here is the list from Saturday. The weather was perfect, the company was great and there were lots of birds, what more could you ask for. Penny Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 14:06:52 -0800Mission Bay, San Diego, US-CA Nov 2, … Continue reading

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Field Trip Report for Daley Ranch

Fellow Birders, A great day yesterday–sunny and warm, visitors from out-of-town, some new birders and some old ones. Thanks for the help. We misssed the White-tailed Kite but had great views of a Ferruginous Hawk, a first timer for me … Continue reading

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Palomar Audubon Field Trip Report 10/19/2013–La Jolla Cove

Below is my eBird report of the birds seen at La Jolla Cove on 10/19/2013 by approximately 20 Palomar Audubon Society members and friends. In addition to the birds listed below, we spotted Blue, Fin, and Humpback Whales; Pacific Bottlenose … Continue reading

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Lake Hodges Field Trip Results

Hi Everyone, We had a fantastic field trip this morning. Thirty-nine eager birders showed-up and we found 73 bird species. We initially birded in two groups around the parking lot and the oak riparian areas, but later joined together as … Continue reading

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