Fallbrook Adventure Field Trip Report

Hi Birders,

On Saturday June 8, twenty-nine birders walked around two different
locations in the Fallbrook area. The perfect weather enabled us to find
32 different bird species at each location. The two locations were Live
Oak County Park and the Los Jilgueros Preserve. At Live Oak County Park,
we found lots of Acorn Woodpeckers, Western Bluebirds, White-breasted
Nuthatches, and American Crows. At the Los Jilgueros Preserve, we found
lots of Canada Geese, Lesser Goldfinches, Mallards, and Common

Many thanks go out to Steve Ellis and our wonderful photographers. See
Steve’s eBird checklists below:

Live Oak County Park:  https://ebird.org/checklist/S180224531

Los Jilgueros Preserve:  https://ebird.org/checklist/S180225410



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