Fallbrook Adventure to Live Oak Park & Los Jilgeros Nature Preserve on March 6, 2022

Sixteen Birders turned up in what was forecast to be a cold windy day. And for the most part, it was.

Our results, however, were formidable producing 37 species at Los Jilgeros and 28 at Live Oak Park. The ecology of each location is significantly different, so there is little overlap in species. Listing of the species and their numbers can be found quickly from the links below. They include many excellent photos taken by our members, Tsaiwei Olee and Mary Jo Hayes. Thank you.



 Live Oak Park is noted for its Band Tailed Pigeons and it did not disappoint with twenty being seen. At Los Jilgeros, we enjoyed a fly over by a White-tailed Kite, a bird not seen too often these days.

Personally, I thought some of our participants may drop out at the end of Live Oak Park portion. But no such thing. Despite the threatening weather and a fairly long walk at both locations, everyone made it from start to finish!

Until next time… flyin’ high,

Dug Walkley

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