A crew member displays a clump of tar recovered during clean-up operations at the beaches of Padre Island National Seashore, TX, April 2, 2014. (Photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Carlos Vega/U.S. Coast Guard)
The Galveston Oil Spill: One Month Later
On Saturday, March 22, a ship and barge collided, dumping nearly 170,000 gallons of oil into Galveston Bay. Audubon Texas staff and Houston Audubon hit the ground running, monitoring critical bird sanctuaries along the Texas Gulf Coast and advocating for effective spill-response measures. And you responded with generous donations to support our work. Thank you. Now, a month after the accident, here’s a look at the damage done and the restoration efforts under way. Read More→
Broad-billed Hummingbird. (Photo by Tom Vezo
You can turn your yard into a hummingbird spectacular, and help scientists save these tiny wonders at the same time. We’ve got 10 plants that attract a variety of hummingbirds. Plus info on how you can help these remarkable birds by building habitat, feeding them right, and participating in Audubon’s citizen science programs. Read More→
Passenger Pigeon. (Photo by Joel Sartore)
Billions to None
Passenger Pigeons were once the most abundant bird species in North America, traveling in flocks so enormous they could darken the skies for days at a time. Now, a hundred years after the death of the last Passenger Pigeon, we look at why the species went extinct, and whether it can be, and should be, brought back to life. Read More→
Northern Pintail. (Photo by Gary Kramer/USFWS)
Clean Water
Support Protections for Streams and Wetlands
A splash of good news for Northern Pintails, Pied-billed Grebes, Black Terns, and other avian species that depend on wetlands: The EPA has proposed a rule that would clearly define its ability to protect our waters under the Clean Water Act. Tell the EPA that you support the rule.
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Red-headed Tits. (Photo by John Fish/Flickr Creative Commons)
Funny Birds
Submit Your Photos for Our Caption Contest
Every week we post a funny bird photo that’s begging for a caption. We know you bird lovers also love taking photos. So send us your humorous images for the chance to be featured in our contest. Get information on how to enter at our Facebook page. Read More→