Today I led a group of 25 birders through Guajome Regional Park. By way of personalities, or my ability to lead, it was questionable as to whether I indeed did “lead” the group. Nonetheless we all managed to get back to our cars (I think) at the end of the day and for the most part followed the same route. In total we collectively saw fifty-four species. Of note was the Ash-throated Flycatcher which isn’t just seen everywhere. Also, we had an outstanding view of a male Black-head Grosbeak who, unlike his usual position singing high in a tree, here he was in very close proximity on the ground with full sunlight shining on his bright orange and yellow breast. The Common Gallinule also put in a brief appearance. A family of Cooper’s Hawks gave us good looks. It turned out to be a hot, hot day so those with long-sleeves and pants suffered. We were however were able to enjoy a brief respite of juice, coffee and donut-holes halfway through our journey, courtesy of Diane. The heat (and the hill), however, may have led to a quick departure by many at the end of the walk.
If you click on the e-bird link at the bottom of the page, you will get a complete list of the bird species and their count that we saw today. In addition are some wonderful photos taken by Tsaiwei Olee, YuerouTang, Mary Jo Hayes and Gail DeLalla.
And here is a picture-perfect photo of our whole gang (minus two). Stretch it out to find yourself. Many thanks to Beth Pearson for this shot.
Until Next Time, Flyin’ High,
Doug Walkley