Kit Carson Park Birding Trip Report

Hello Friends.

On Saturday morning, 8/19/2023; thirty two of us gathered in the parking lot to participate in our bi-annual field trip to Kit Carson Park.

We had a calm morning, some of the usual competition for park use was present, cross country runners, dog walkers in abundance and frisbee tossers added to the urban experience we expect from this park.

Sand Lake is pretty choked with an algal mat, enough water remains to support a horde of mallards and released pet ducks. Coots of course and gallinules breed here as do the pie billed grebes we encountered. The park hosts a variety of habitats enabling it to support some raptors and wood peckers, phoebes, bluebirds, look at the list! This time we found the California Gnatcatchers that sometimes elude us.

Thanks for letting me lead. Thanks Steve Ellis for compiling our ebird list. Thanks to our photographers and their contributions to coloring up our reporting.

See you next time.

Gerry Baade

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