Trip Report: Arizona Birding Adventure, August 16-18, 2024

In August, twelve adventurous birders enjoyed a thrilling trip to Southeastern Arizona that was arranged by the Palomar Audubon Society. Our journey commenced in Green Valley, with visits to numerous locations including Desert Meadows Park and Canoa Ranch, where we saw many local birds such as the Gila Woodpecker, Costa’s and Broad-billed Hummingbirds, Aberts Towhee, and Rufous-winged Sparrow. This was followed by a visit to Box Canyon, where the group encountered a Five-striped Sparrow and a trio of Thick-billed Kingbirds. That afternoon, we ascended into Madera Canyon and spent time at Santa Rita Lodge, which rewarded us with views of seven species of hummingbirds, including the Rivoli’s and rare Beryline Hummingbird. That evening, the team met up after dark and were thrilled to have a close-up encounter with a Whiskered Screech-Owl; later, the group also heard the Elf Owl.

On day two, the group opted to go to Mt. Lemmon instead of Patagonia as originally planned. Not only was the weather wonderful at the high elevation, but the group encountered the key target species including the Short-tailed Hawk, Red-faced Warbler, and Olive Warbler. In addition, there were numerous close encounters with Brown Creepers, Yellow-eyed Junco, as well as many other species. The final day of the guided outing was spent in Sierra Vista. At our stop at Beatty’s B&B Miller Canyon, individuals had a choice of spending time viewing hummingbirds, including the Violet-crowned Hummingbird, or hiking a reasonable distance in search of the Flame-colored Tanager. Both groups were rewarded with prolonged views of their target species. On the final day, the group also went to Ash Canyon, finding the Lucifer and Calliope Hummingbirds. Also encountered were a Curve-billed Thrasher, Canyon Towhee, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, and numerous other species.

The trip rewarded the group with many lifers, beautiful habitats, wildflowers at elevation, and wonderful sunsets. Southeastern Arizona in August is a great destination affording ample and diverse birding opportunities.

We were fortunate to have many photographers on the trip. Following is a link that provides the opportunity to view the many sightings.–2Lc-Jlsrso9R_AiFKoNQ?key=Z3ZTSzFXVDBWWlpBVDBEMTMyR0ZMaVkybkNrTXd3


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