PAS Field Trip Report: Fallbrook

On Saturday, November 30, twenty-five birders walked around Live Oak County Park and then later drove over to Los Jilgueros Preserve. Both locations are in the north county city of Fallbrook. The weather was great at both spots. It was a cool autumn morning, but it was very warm when we finished.
We found 23 different bird species at Live Oak and 30 different bird species at Los Jilgueros. At Live Oak, there were lots of Yellow-rumped Warblers, Acorn Woodpeckers, Oak Titmice, and American Crows. At Los Jilgueros, there were lots of Bushtits, Yellow-rumped Warblers, American Coots, and Ruby-crowned Kinglets.
Many thanks go out to Steve Ellis and our wonderful photographers for putting together our eBird checklists. Here are the links:        

JIM BECKMAN  trip leader


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