Santee Lakes Field Trip Report

Hi Everybody,

On Saturday morning March 2, nineteen enthusiastic birders braved the
intermittent rain showers, and walked around Santee Lakes. We found 57
different bird species. There were lots of American Coots, Ruddy Ducks,
Ring-necked Ducks, & Wood Ducks .

I think the best bird of the day were the Green Herons. A pair of these
birds followed our group around all morning. Also, we had a surprise
visit of a flock of Red-crowned Parrots.

Many thanks go out to Steve Ellis for keeping track of the birds we
found. See his checklist:
Also, thanks go out to our great photographers, Audrey Eisle & Tony
Provenzano, who despite the rain, were able to capture some nice photos.

Jim Beckman, for our field trip leader, Tom Trowbridge.

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