Ashy Prinias build woven nests, usually close to a water source. Their nests are heavily predated by snakes, lizards and other predators. Photograph by Gaurav Budhiraja
The Black and orange Flycatcher has a fairly restricted range, occurring only in the western Ghats of India. Habitat destruction is leading to a decline in this flycatcher. Combined with its restricted range makes this species susceptible to extinction, the IUCN has classed this flycatcher as near threatened. Photo by Harish Kumar Kohli
Bluethroats are known to mimic calls of other birds, frogs and crickets. Bluethroats of Asia, Europe and Africa have been recorded mimicking over 50 different birds. Photo by Gaurav Budhiraja
Buffy Fish Owls are nocturnal foragers and during the day will hide out in dark wooded places. Photo by Sandipan Ghosh
The Burrowing Owl is often associated with burrowing animals as they make use of their burrows, some owls will however excavate their own burrows. Photo by Leslie Reagan
The Calliope Hummingbird is native to North and Central America. They breed in north-west North America and spend the winter in Mexico. Photo by Tim Nicol
The Changeable Hawk Eagle occurs in the forests of India and south-east Asia. Unfortunately the Javan population is declining due to deforestation. Photo by Santanu Sarkar
The Chestnut-backed Chickadee occurs along the west coast of North America, these birds are monogamous and apparently breed for life. Photo by Jola Charlton
The Collared Kingfisher varies greatly in plumage across its range, as such it has been further divided into 50 different subspecies. Photo by Kishore Debnath
The Common Kestrel kills its prey by suffocation with its talons. Photo by Harish Kumar Kohli
Coppersmith Barbets eat a variety of fruits and will also take insects. This juvenile was captured by Sourav Mookherjee
Kuntal Das captured this vibrant Asian Green Bee-eater in Kolkata, India
An Indian Roller captured catching a grub. These birds generally forage insects, frogs, mice and other prey off the ground. Photo by Raviraja Ponnuswamy
The Jerdon’s Bushlark is native to the south of India where they prefer open habitats. Photo by Indranil Bhattacharjee
A male and female Khalij Pheasant side by side. Photo by Pranesh Kodancha
The Laughing Dove has a mellow cooing call. Photo by Ganesh Rao
An argument between a Lesser Golden-backed Woodpecker and a Yellow-eyed Babbler. These were captured by Shantharam Holla on the outskirts of Bangalore
The male Northern Pintails have long mid tail feathers, this is where the name ‘Pintail’ comes from. Photo by Souvik Pal
Here we have a juvenile Painted Stork, Painted Storks breed in India, just after the monsoons. Photo by Amit Kumar Srivastava
The Red-billed Firefinch is native to Africa where they prefer open grassy woodland. This one was photographed in Ethiopia by Goutam Mitra
The Red-billed Leiothrix is native to China and the Himalayas. Photo by Amit Kumar Srivastava
Black-chinned Yuhinas can be found in broadleaf evergreen forests of China, north India, Vietnam and Myanmar. Photo by Shivayogi Kanthi
Diet analyses show that 95% of the Short-eared Owl’s diet consists of small mammals. Photo by Vipin Sharma
Great Grey Shrikes start laying their eggs between March and May. Photo by Wasif Yaqeen
Rock Buntings like rocky habitats with sparse vegetation. Photo by Amit Kumar Srivastava