An Eastern Imperial Eagle in flight. This eagle is vulnerable to extinction due to intensive forestry in the breeding grounds of Asia and Europe. Photo by Suketu Purohit
A Purple Sunbird captured probing for nectar. Photo by Suvadip Mondal
Grey Crowned Cranes are reliant on wetlands for breeding. They will mainly breed during the raining season, laying between one and four eggs. Photo by Wasif Yaqeen
This White-winged Dove was photographed in Yucatan, Mexico by Owen Deutsch. This species is well adapted to urbanisation and as a result its range has increased in the southern parts of America.
This striking bird is a White-fronted Chat, they can only be found in the south of Australia. Photograph by Radhakrishnan Sadasivam
A close up of a European Roller. European Rollers breed in Europe and then migrate to sub-Saharan Africa for the northern winter. Photo by Sushil Khekare
Verditer Flycatchers have a striking blue plumage. Blue feathers are different to red and yellow feathers as the colour is not produced by pigments, but rather by the way the light refracts off the feather. Photograph by Vishal Monakar
The Asian Koel is closely related to the cuckoos and like the cuckoos will lay their eggs in another species nest. In India, House Crows and Jungle Crows are the main hosts of Asian Koel chicks. Photo by Shivayogi Kanthi
The Bluethroat was first described in 1758 by the famous zoologist and botanist Carl Linnaeus. Photo by Souvik Pal
Here we have a Eurasian Siskin, a seed-eating bird which can be found across much of Europe and the eastern parts of Asia. This one was photographed in Finland by Samuel Bloch
Mongolian Finches fly to waterbodies at dawn and at dusk to drink. Photo by Awais Ali Sheikh
A Common Kingfisher on the look-out for prey. Photo by Souvik Basu
Blue Rock Thrushes breed on steep cliffs. Photo by Kamlesh Mirkale
Brahminy Starlings are omnivores, they eat both insects and plant matter. Photo by Gaurav Budhiraja
This European Bee-eater has just caught a dragonfly, bees and dragonflies make up the majority of this species diet. Photo by Christian Bagnol
This Indian Black-lored Tit was photographed in Uttarakhand by Vishal Monakar
The Mallard duck is native to the northern hemisphere but has been introduced into multiple countries. In some countries, like South Africa, it is a threat to local ducks as mallards hybridize with local species. Photo by Paneendra BA.
This colourful Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher was photographed in Guhager, India by Gurukrushna Ghate
Ruddy Shelducks prefer brackish waterbodies to freshwater. Photo by Kushal Sharma
Rufous-tailed Larks are found only in India, usually in dry open habitats. Photo by Amit Kumar Srivastav
During the breeding season, Sanderlings inhabit tundra habitats. Photo by Sujoy Sarkar
A Siberian Stonechat with prey. Photo by Nishant Chauhan
The Gray Jay is distributed across much of Canada and the northern parts of the United States. This one was photographed in Washington by Tim Nicol
Two Common Kingfishers having a territorial disagreement. Territories are generally in the range of one kilometre in size. Photo by Sanjay Dutt Sharma
The Black-capped Chickadee is the provincial bird of New Brunswick, Canada. Photo by Jola Charlton