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An explanation of wild birds’ role in avian flu outbreak – US News
Take Action: Protect Birds & Bees from Toxic Neonic Pesticides
Top 25 Wild Bird Photographs of the Week #42
Posted on
April 28, 2015
Posted by
Steve Boyes
National Geographic Expeditions
May 11, 2013
African paradise flycatchers are common resident breeder in Africa S of the Sahara Desert, preferring open forest and savanna habitat. The males grow beautiful long tales and remains close to the female, who will lay 2/3 eggs in a tiny cup nest made of cobwebs in the low branches of a tree. (Edward Peach)
Oriental magpie-robins occur across most of the Indian Subcontinent and parts of SE Asia.They have become a common birds in urban gardens as well as forests like the Garo Hills in Meghalaya (NE India). (Israel Momin)
Northern cardinals are found in S Canada, through the E United States from Maine to Texas and S through Mexico. They prefer woodlands, gardens, shrublands, and swamps. Photographed here in Vestal (New York, USA). (Melissa Penta)
King eiders are large sea duck that breed along the N Hemisphere Arctic coasts of NE Europe, N America and Asia. They prefer coastal marine ecosystems at high latitudes, and migrate to Arctic tundra to breed in June and July. Photographed here in Båtsfjord (Norway). (Antero Topp)
Fiery-throated hummingbirds are the only hummingbird species that regularly nests E of the Mississippi River in N America. Photographed here in Costa Rica. (Nina Stavlund)
Long-tailed broadbills are found in the Himalayas, SE Asia and Indonesia. They are very sociable and usually travels in large, noisy “parties” outside of the breeding season. (Gururaj Moorching)
Kashmiri flycatchers breed in the NW Himalayas in the Kashmir region of the Indian Subcontinent. They winter in the hills of central Sri Lanka and the W Ghats of India. (Gururaj Moorching)
Magnificent hummingbirds breed in mountains from SW United States to W Panama. Photographed here in Costa Rica. (Nina Stavlund)
Juvenile african fish eagles hang out on low the banks of recently exposed floodplains until they are strong enough to compete for prime perches along the water. Photographed here in the Okavango Delta. (Antero Topp)
Hyacinth macaws are native to central and E South America. They are the largest macaw and the largest flying parrot species. Photographed here in the Pantanal (Brazil). (Wild Pantanal Eco Tours)
Feeding flamingos are swarmed by a multitude of shorebirds in the Mumbai mangroves near Mumbai (India). (Rakesh Dhareshwar)
Little-known chestnut-backed tanagers are found in Atlantic Forest in SE Brazil, NE Argentina, E Paraguay, and Uruguay. (Diego Caballero Sadi)
Changeable hawk-eagles breed in the Indian Subcontinent and are primarily located in India and Sri Lanka, and from the SE rim of the Himalaya across SE Asia to Indonesia and the Philippines. (Anup Shah)
Cattle egrets were originally native to parts of Asia, Africa and Europe. They have, however, undergone a rapid expansion in their distribution and successfully colonized much of the rest of the world. (Chris Krog)
Brahminy kites are found in the Indian subcontinent, SE Asia and Australia where they are found mainly on the coast and in inland wetlands where they feed on dead fish and other small prey. (Gururaj Moorching)
Black skimmers breed in N and S America with the N populations wintering in the Caribbean and the tropical/subtropical Pacific coasts, while the S American races make only shorter movements in response to annual floods which extend their feeding areas in the river shallows. (Dan Pancamo)
Asian openbills are found mainly in the Indian subcontinent and SE Asia. Photographed here in W Bengal (India). (Debasish Chakraborty)
Jackal buzzards pair for life and have noisy aerial displays throughout the year. The large (up to 1m wide) stick nest is built in a tall tree or on a crag, and is often reused and enlarged in subsequent breeding seasons. (Louis Groenewald)
White-eyed vireos breed in SE USA from New Jersey W to N Missouri and S to Texas and Florida, as well as E Mexico, N Central America, Cuba and the Bahamas. Photographed here in Laffite’s Cove (Galveston, Texas, USA). (Dan Pancamo)
Tickell’s blue flycatchers breeds in tropical Asia from the Indian Subcontinent E to SE Asia from India to Indonesia. (Shishir Saksena)
Swallow-tailed gulls are the only fully nocturnal gull and seabird in the world, feeding on squid and small fish which rise to the surface at night to feed on plankton. Photographed nesting in the Galapagos Islands. (Justin Peter)
Stork-billed kingfishers are resident breeders in the tropical Indian Subcontinent and SE Asia, from India and Sri Lanka to Indonesia. They are uncommon and are sparsely distributed over a wide range. (Eddy Swan)
Spotted eagle-owls are able to fly at around seven weeks of age, but only leave the nest 5 weeks later. They have a life span of up to 10 years in the wild and up to 20 in captivity. (Mark Drysdale)
Purple-rumped sunbirds are endemic to the Indian Subcontinent, and are common resident breeders in S India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. (Shishir Saksena)
Plum-headed parakeets prefer forest and open woodland habitat, and are found from the foothills of the Himalayas S to Sri Lanka. They are not found in the dry regions of W India. (Sathish Poojari)
An explanation of wild birds’ role in avian flu outbreak – US News
Take Action: Protect Birds & Bees from Toxic Neonic Pesticides
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