White storks are long-distance migrants that breed in Europe, NW Africa, SW Asia and S Africa, wintering in Africa from tropical Sub-Saharan Africa all the way to S Africa and the Indian subcontinent. (Karl Ander Adami)Verditer flycatchers are found in the Indian Subcontinent along the foothills of the Himalayas. (Uttam Mahatha)Streak-throated woodpeckers are most abundant on the Indian Subcontinent, but are also found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka,Thailand, Vietnam. (Uttam Mahatha)Orange-breasted green pigeons are found across tropical Asia S of the the Himalayas across the Indian Subcontinent across to parts of SE Asia. (Tanmoy Das)Green bee-eaters have a wide distribution across sub-Saharan Africa from Senegal and the Gambia to Ethiopia, the Nile valley, W Arabia and Asia from India to Vietnam. (Tanmoy Das)Spotted nutcrackers have a wide distribution Scandinavia across N Europe, Siberia and to E Asia as far as Japan. (Debapratim Saha)Painted spurfowls prefer the rocky hills and scrub forests of peninsular India. (Kishore Damodharan)Brown dippers are not often seen and are found at lower elevations where mountain streams flow strongly in the mountains of S and central Asia. (Prasanna AV)Himalayan woodpeckers are found in the N Indian Subcontinent in the Himalayas across Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan. (Prasanna AV)Kalij pheasants prefer the forests and thickets in the Himalayan foothills from the Nepal to W Thailand. (Prasanna AV)Pied bushchats range from W and central Asia to the Indian Subcontinent and SE Asia. (Safiqeue Hazarika)Golden-breasted fulvettas prefer the temperate and subtropical moist montane forests of Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam. (Shantanu Bhattacharya)Northern mockingbirds are the only mockingbird commonly found in N America where they are known for their intelligence and are the State bird of 5 states. (Annette Sissom)White-cheeked barbets are endemic to the forest areas of the Western Ghats and adjoining hills in India. (Megh Roy Choudhury) (Identified as White-browed Bulbul by Mamta Megha)
Puff-throated babbler are common residents of the bamboo forests and scrub of the Himalayas across Asia. (Megh Roy Choudhury)
Bay-backed shrikes are widespread resident breeders in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, and has recently been recorded from Sri Lanka. (Jayant Atrey)Greater roadrunner breed in the desert and shrubby country of the SW United States and N Mexico. (Owen Deutsch)Bald eagles are the national bird and animal of the United States and are found throughout most of N America in Canada, all of the continental United States, and N Mexico. (Gail Pfoh)White-breasted kingfishers are widely distributed in Eurasia from Bulgaria, Turkey, W Asia all the way E through the Indian Subcontinent to the Philippines. (Chandan Kumar Hazra)
Purple sunbirds are distributed widely across W Asia through to the Indian Subcontinent and SE Asia. (Chandan Kumar Hazra)Common kingfishers are widely distributed across Eurasia and N Africa. (Chandan Kumar Hazra)Cape vultures are considered vulnerable and are endemic to S Africa with populations in South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and in some parts of northern Namibia. (Pax Bell)Blue-breasted bee-eaters are found in Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. (Matthew Matthiessen)Blue cranes are considered Vulnerable with the majority of the remaining population in E and S South Africa with a small, disjunct population in Etosha Pan of N Namibia. (Kevin Paul Sommerville)Green-crowned brilliants are resident breeders in the highlands from Costa Rica to W Ecuador. (Leslie Reagan)