Crested serpent eagles are found in forested habitats across tropical Asia and are spread across a wide range across the Indian Subcontinent, SE Asia and E Asia. (Agniprava Nath)Streak-throated woodpeckers are little-known woodpeckers ound throughout the Indian Subcontinent. (Arindam Saha)Pied kingfishers are found widely distributed across Africa and Asia with their black-and-white plumage, crest and the habit of hovering over clear lakes and rivers before diving for fish being diagnostic. (Bidyut De)Purple sunbirds are resident breeders in thin forest and gardens within dense urban areas across West Asia through to the Indian Subcontinent and SE Asia. (Bidyut Kumar De)Carmine bee-eaters occur across sub-equatorial Africa, ranging from KwaZulu-Natal and Namibia to Gabon, E Democratic Republic of the Congo and Kenya. (Brendon Cremer)Taiga flycatchers are found in the taiga forests of N Eurasia from E Russia to Siberia and Mongolia, wintering in S and SE Asia in the Indian Subcontinent, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Vietnam, and Japan. (Chandan Hazra)Pied harriers are migratory, breeding from the Amur Valley in E Russia and NE China to North Korea and wintering as far S as Pakistan to Philippines. (Kallol Mukherjee)Indian skimmers are found on large rivers and lakes, swamps and coastal wetlands in parts of Pakistan in the Indus river system of Kashmir and northern and central India along the Ganges,[7] Bangladesh and Burma and formerly occurred in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. (PS Anand)Grey-crowned cranes occur in the dry savannah bushveld across Africa S of the Sahara. They are also be found in marshes, cultivated lands and grassy flatlands near rivers and lakes in E Africa from Uganda and Kenya to South Africa. (Rodnick Biljon)Brown fish owls are found in the warm, subtropical and humid parts of continental Asia and some offshore islands with a range of over 7,000 km from E China to Palestine. (Gopal Prasad)Fire-tailed sunbirds are found in the temperate, subtropical or tropical moist montane forests in the N parts of the Indian Subcontinent, primarily in the Himalayas, and also in some adjoining regions in SE Asia. They are recorded in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand and Tibet. (Debapratim Saha)Osprey are adapted to a wide variety of habitat types, nesting in any location near a body of water providing an adequate food supply on all continents (except Antarctica). (Faiz Rehman)Purple sunbirds are resident breeders in thin forest and gardens within dense urban areas across West Asia through to the Indian Subcontinent and SE Asia. (Kallol Mukherjee)Ruddy shelducks are found predominantly in SE Europe and across central Asia to SE Asia with small, isolated populations in NW Africa and Ethiopia. (Kallol Mukherjee)Rainbow lorikeets are common along the E seaboard of Australia from N Queensland to S Australia and Tasmania, preferring rainforest, coastal bush and woodland areas. (Lennart Hessel)Sarus cranes are the tallest flying bird and are a non-migratory crane species found in the Indian Subcontinent, SE Asia and Australia. (Nandhini Raveendran)Burchell’s coucals are known locally as the “rain bird” and are a cuckoo species found throughout SubSaharan Africa. (Nobby Clarke)Red-legged honeycreepers are found in the tropical New World from S Mexico south to Peru, Bolivia and central Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago, and on Cuba (where possibly introduced). Photographed here in Costa Rica. (Mauro Roman)Swee waxbills are endemic to S Africa and are mostly found on the edges of established woodlands at higher altitudes. (Sally Westaway Walmsley)Rufous-necked hornbills have a range now restricted to NE India, Bhutan, Burma, SE Tibet, N and W Thailand, N Laos and N Vietnam. (Sourajit Ghosh)Oriental white-eyes are resident breeders in open woodland in tropical Asia from the Indian subcontinent to SE Asia, extending to Indonesia and Malaysia. (Sourajit Ghosh)Laughing kookaburras are indigenous to E Australia, but have been introduced to New Zealand, Tasmania and Western Australia. (Sjoerd van Berge Henegouwen)King penguins are the second largest penguin and breed on the subantarctic islands at the N reaches of Antarctica, South Georgia, and other temperate islands in the region. (Sjoerd van Berge Henegouwen)Australian brushturkeys are found in E Australia from Far North Queensland to Illawarra in New South Wales. (Sjoerd van Berge Henegouwen)White-bellied blue flycatchers are endemic to the dense forests S from Mahabaleshwar through the W Ghats all the way to the Nilgiris Hills. (Pranesh Kodancha)