Category Archives: Bird Walks

Sweetwater River/Bonita Field Trip Results

Hi Everyone, On Saturday morning January 12, nine birders checked out the Sweetwater River near the Bonita Westfield Shopping Center. The weather cooperated and we were able to complete the walk with no rain. Because of the cloudy, cold weather, … Continue reading

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Escondido CBC Notes

Eighty people attended the the Escondido CBC held on January 5.  We recorded 149 or 150 species, a little below the previous ten-year average of 154.  Four species were noted that were recorded on fewer than ten previous counts.   … Continue reading

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Dixon Lake Field Trip Results

Hi Birders, On Saturday December 29, sixteen birders walked around Dixon Lake and we found 46 bird species. At the start of the walk it was very cold (~40 deg.) but warmed up slightly for a comfortable hike. I think … Continue reading

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Tijuana Estuary Field Trip Results

Hi Friends, On Saturday December 22, fifteen birders walked around the Tijuana Estuary National Wildlife Reserve. The weather was perfect, a crisp, clear winter day. We found 57 bird species. Probably, the best birds of the day were the Merlin, … Continue reading

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Batiquitos Lagoon Bird walk Saturday 12/15/18

Hi everyone, Sorry for the delayed posting of our results for Saturday’s Batiquitos Lagoon field trip yesterday. We had a cold start with a bright sky which quickly warmed up to a pleasant day.  The field trip started off with 26 … Continue reading

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eBird Report – Lindo Lake , Dec 2, 2018

Hello, fellow birders. Below is our report of yesterday’s Palomar Audubon walk at Lindo Lake.  Our greatest bird by volume (pun intended) was certainly the Amazona parrots.  The flocks numbered in the hundreds.  The greatest by ubiquity was the Ruby-crowned Kinglet.  One … Continue reading

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Live Oak County Park / Los Jilgueros Preserve Trip Report

A big bunch of people, thirty-seven to be exact, turned out for the third annual Fallbrook Experience. It was a beautiful fresh, after the rains, sunny day. Lots of good times with looking at birds, visiting, chatting and, it seemed … Continue reading

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eBird Trip Report – San Jacinto Wildlife Area, Nov 25, 2018

Birders, Pretty good day, some highlights—golden eagle, rock wrens, snipe, and an amazing number of raptors flying here and there, hard to count. Oh, and of course, the quite brilliant male vermillion flycatcher being super cooperative.  Thank you for your help … Continue reading

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Field Trip Results — South Bay Salt Works

Hi Friends, This morning Saturday Nov 17, thirty birders checked out the South Bay Salt Works in National City. The weather was perfect and we found 66 bird species. We saw lots of Eared Grebes, Brant, and American White Pelicans. … Continue reading

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Lake Hodges – Bernardo Bay Trip Report

Twenty-five birders joined the walk. The day was a lull in Santa Ann conditions, so the weather was warm, with clear sky and occasional light wind. The low vegetation was brown and very dry. Hopefully this area won’t catch fire … Continue reading

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Daley Ranch Field Trip

On a warm Saturday, November 3, we had 22 birders and found 36 bird species. Mallard Northern Shoveler California Quail Pied-billed Grebe Double-crested Commorant Great Blue Heron Turkey Vulture Red-shouldered Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Common Gallinule Mourning Dove Anna’s Hummingbird Acorn … Continue reading

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San Diego River Estuary Trip Report

Day started with thick fog which quickly burned off.  After about 40 minutes of birding the fog returned.  The Burrowing Owl was not found at the west end at it usual location, but was located briefly at the east end.  … Continue reading

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Palomar Birding at Whelan Lake, October 21, 2018

The day started out refreshingly cool and ended on the hot side, making our lunch pitstop at the Pitstop that much more enjoyable. We had an enthusiastic crowd of 27 birders that eventually found 56 species. No, it did not … Continue reading

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 ESCONDIDO CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT SATURDAY JANUARY 5, 2019 Each year between December 14th and January 5th, thousands of birders and nature enthusiasts participate in one or more of the 2000+ Christmas Bird Counts held annually in the United States, Canada, … Continue reading

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eBird Report – Bolsa Chica–full tidal area, Oct 13, 2018

Birders, While the weather was cool and cloudy with sprinkles messing up our bins, we found a few birds and had no wind, lightning or thunder.  It took a while but John finally found the lone reddish egret standing still on … Continue reading

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eBird Report – La Jolla Cove, Oct 6, 2018

Hello, all. Below is the report of our pilgrimage yesterday at La Jolla Cove. Thirty or so souls attended, and we saw 37 species.  We saw four Peregrine falcons yesterday. Peregrine falcons are becoming almost common on our walks, which is … Continue reading

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Sept 29, 2018 Hodges

Field Trip Report 9/29/18: It started out as a cool, foggy, comfortable morning at beautiful Lake Hodges, with sun breaking through around 10:30. It was a rewarding day of birding, with 30 enthusiastic birders who identified 53 species of birds! … Continue reading

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Field Trip Results – Kumeyaay Lake

Hi Friends, On Saturday September 22, fifteen birders walked around Kumeyaay Lake in Santee. The weather was overcast and cool then sunny and warm. A pleasant first day of the Fall season. We found 45 bird species. The best bird … Continue reading

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