Category Archives: Bird Walks

Field Trip Results — Sweetwater River Gorge

Hi Friends, On Saturday May 26, fourteen birders walked the Sweetwater River Gorge trail at Rancho San Diego. We found 34 bird species. The weather was very comfortable, cool and overcast. A fun walk for everybody! We saw five warbler … Continue reading

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Kit Carson Park Field Trip – May 19, 2018

Twenty birders took part in the walk on a cool and overcast day that made bird identification difficult.  We heard many Yellow-breasted Chats, but saw none.  The best sighting was of a family of House Wrens tending to their chicks in a … Continue reading

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Comment Received About Big Morongo Trip

Wish you all were closer! I’m 68 and a complete newbie. I started a few days ago after seeing THE BIG YEAR and the purchase of a few field guides (Peterson’s, Sibleys, and National Geographic). I was reading the Peterson’s in the waiting … Continue reading

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Lindo Lake Field Trip, 5/12/2018

Below is the report of the Palomar Audubon walk at Lindo Lake last Saturday. We spotted the perpetual Greater White-fronted Goose, plus a woodpecker that we couldn’t get consensus on—listed here as Woodpecker sp. 53 species (+2 other taxa) Greater … Continue reading

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Daley Ranch Field Trip

On Saturday May 5, we had 10 birders on a very hot morning. We spotted 43 species including a Hermit Warbler. Mallard Rudy Duck California Quail Great Egret Turkey Vulture Red-shouldered Hawk Red-tailed Hawk American Coot Mourning Dove Anna’s Hummingbird … Continue reading

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Big Morongo Weekend Trip Report

All in all, nineteen birders enjoyed portions or all of the Big Morongo Weekend. Of these, fifteen spent Friday night in Yucca Valley, and two came up for just the Saturday. We were pleased to have one gentleman from Hawaii and another from … Continue reading

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Wilderness Gardens Preserve — Field Trip Results

Hi Birders, Twenty-five birders walked around Wilderness Gardens Preserve this morning, Saturday April 21.  The weather was perfect for a fun day of birding, We found 52 bird species. The target bird at this location is always the Canyon Wren which … Continue reading

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Report – Dairy Mart Rd. Bird Walk, Apr 14, 2018

Below is the tally of the 71 bird species we spotted during our Palomar Audubon walk at Dairy Mart Ponds yesterday. Perhaps the most interesting bird was one we didn’t see.  We came upon a group of young birders who … Continue reading

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Old Mission Dam Field Trip Report

Good weather, sunny with a slight breeze and a beautiful park were enjoyed by 14 birders.  I noticed a sharp decrease in number of live trees and many have been topped.  No water in creek along Oak Trail.  Best sighting … Continue reading

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San Pasqual Valley Field Trip Results

Hi Friends, On Saturday March 31, twenty-six birders walked the Agricultural Trail with cool weather in the morning but ending up quite warm before noon. After the main walk, several of us birded the close-by San Diego Archaeological Center and the … Continue reading

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Whelan Lake Bird Count March 24, 2018

It was a fine Spring day for our Whelan Lake outing: cool in the morning especially with the breeze, but warmed up nicely as we progressed. We had an excellent turnout with 28 birders. Perhaps the coffee, juice, doughnuts and … Continue reading

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Lake Hodges Field Trip Report, March 17, 2018

19 birders braved about an hour of light drizzle to discover 57 species. Once the rain stopped and the sun poked through, it was a pleasant day. Here is the list: Mallard American Wigeon Cinnamon Teal California quail Western grebe … Continue reading

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San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary Report, Mar 10, 2018

Birders, The weather didn’t cooperate, a lot of the birds were quiet, the mud accumulation on our shoes was quite measurable, we all grew taller by two inches, but we did manage to find 56 species including the elusive American … Continue reading

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Santee Lakes Field Trip Report

On this rainy morning, March 3, 2018, we had 11 birders and found 58 species. Snow Goose Canada Goose Wood Duck Gadwall American Wigeon Mallard Cinnamon Teal Northern Shoveler Green-winged Teal Ring-necked Duck Lesser Scaup Bufflehead Ruddy Duck Pied-billed Grebe … Continue reading

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San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary, Feb 17, 2018

Birders, Sorry for the delay—problems with internet, phone and passwords, etc.  It was a fun birding day— a couple learning sessions regarding teens and hawks. I mean terns, .darn that spellcheck. Charlotte managed to find in her photos the spotted … Continue reading

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Oak Hill Memorial Cemetery Field Trip Result

Today, Feb 10, 2018, 17 people joined in under cloudy skies. 40 species recorded. American Widgen Mallard Great Blue Heron Turkey Vulture Cooper’s Hawk Red-shouldered Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Eurasian Collared-Dove Mourning Dove Great Horned Owl Anna’s Hummingbird Belted Kingfisher Acorn … Continue reading

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Guajome Birding on February 3

Well Folks, it was a record count day at Guajome! We came home with 60 species. I might attribute this total to some very good birders and some birders who have very good ears. New birds discovered here were the … Continue reading

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Dos Picos and Rangelands Road Bird Walk Report

15 birders braved threatening skies, bracing breezes and cold weather to tally 63 species. Highlights included White-throated sparrow(seen by early birds Michael and Sonja only), Golden-crowned sparrow, 8 Hooded mergansers(1 male with 7 females (is he a lucky or unlucky … Continue reading

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