Category Archives: Bird Walks

Lake Murray Field Trip Results

Hi Birders, This morning thirty birders met up for a leisurely walk around Lake Murray. The weather was almost perfect – really cool for a July 11 field trip.  We found 46 bird species with great looks at the Scaly-breasted … Continue reading

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Palomar Mountain Trip Report

Hi Friends, Today, twenty birders hiked around Palomar Mountain State Park.The weather was comfortably cool, but the flying bugs were a nuisance!  We found 37 bird species. Many Dark-eyed Juncos, House Wrens, and Violet-green Swallows. Here’s our list: Gadwall Mallard … Continue reading

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Cuyamaca State Park Trip Report

Saturday, June 20th, was a lovely, but warm day in the mountains. 20 birders got good looks at some of the mountain birds that we don’t regularly see, including a Black-chinned Sparrow. We had 46 species of birds in all. … Continue reading

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Agua Dulce Trip Report

Location: Laguna Mtns.–Agua Dulce Creek, San Diego County, CA Date and Effort: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:00 AM Protocol: Traveling Party Size: 18 Duration: 3 hour(s), 15 minute(s) Distance: 3.0 mile(s) Trip Leader: Sally Sanderson 37 species total X Mountain … Continue reading

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William Heise County Park/Santa Ysabel Mission Field Trip Report

Sixteen birders enjoyed perfect weather for the walk. We saw 45 species at Heise. Was not able to find a Black-chinned Sparrow, but did enjoy a Lazuli Bunting. The Purple Finch was heard only. At Santa Ysabel Mission, there was … Continue reading

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Sweetwater River Gorge Field Trip Report

20 birders enjoyed a mostly overcast morning to find 54 species. Highlights were several looks at Blue Grosbeak and Yellow breasted chat, a quick look at a Bullock’s Oriole and Bell’s Vireo heard only.C List follows;Thanks, Michael Mallard California Quail … Continue reading

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Trip Report–Lindo Lake, 5/23/2015

Below is the eBird report of our walk around Lindo Lake yesterday. The highlights included seven species of flycatchers, with the star being a Willow Flycatcher; two species of parrots (one may have been an interesting hybrid); and a Golden … Continue reading

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Kit Carson Field Trip Report

19 birders attended the walk.  The weather was cloudy and we even got a little rain at the end.  Sand Pond has been dredged and all the reeds and several trees have been removed.  The only ducks on the pond … Continue reading

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Wilderness Gardens Preserve – Field Trip Results

Hi Friends, This morning, Saturday May 9th, fourteen birders walked around Wilderness Gardens Preserve and we found 47 bird species.  The weather was perfect – really cool and overcast most of the time. I think this location should also be … Continue reading

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Daley Ranch Field Trip Report

Fourteen people joined me for a hot, dry walk at Daley Ranch.  California Quail Great Blue Heron Great Egret Turkey Vulture Cooper’s Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Mourning Dove Eurasian Collared Dove Anna’s Hummingbird Acorn Woodpecker Nuttall’s Woodpecker Western Wood-Pewee Willow Flycatcher … Continue reading

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Dairy Mart/Bird & Butterfly Gardens Field Trip Report

20 birders braved a mostly overcast, cloudy day with a brisk wind to find 75 species.  The highlights were 10 warbler species and the spectacular Black-throated magpie jay.  List as follows; Canada Goose Gadwall Mallard Northern Shoveler Bufflehead Ruddy Duck … Continue reading

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Big Morongo (and Whitewater) Field Trip Report

Come the end of the day, 56 bird species was the reward for 23 birders as they tromped in and around Big Morongo. As advertised, the Summer Tanager, Vermillion Flycatcher and various migrating warblers were viewed. In addition, on Friday, … Continue reading

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Mission Dam Field Trip Report

Below is our eBird report from the Mission Trails walk yesterday. Lazuli Buntings, yes; Grasshopper Sparrows, alas, no. eBird Report – Mission Trails Regional Park–Old Mission Dam area, Apr 11, 2015 Mission Trails Regional Park–Old Mission Dam area, San Diego, … Continue reading

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San Pasqual Valley Agriculture Trail Trip Report

Hi Friends, This morning, April 4, thirty birders met up at the San Pasqual Valley Agriculture Trail and enjoyed a great day for birding. We found 51 bird species.  Many Hooded Orioles, Cedar Waxwings, and a very cooperative Cactus Wren. … Continue reading

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Lake Hodges Field Trip Report

32 birders, including a visitor from Canada, enjoyed beautiful weather, Grebes running on the water mating dance, and two adult Bald Eagles. 68 Species: Gadwall American Wigeon Mallard Ruddy Duck California Quail Pied-billed Grebe Western Grebe Clark’s Grebe Double-crested Cormorant … Continue reading

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Whelan Lake Trip Report

March 21, 2015 September 27, 2014 SWANS, GEESE & DUCKS SWANS, GEESE & DUCKS * Wood Duck * Wood Duck Gadwall * Mallard * Mallard Cinnamon Teal * Cinnamon Teal * Northern Shoveler * Northern Shoveler * Green-winged Teal * … Continue reading

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San Jacinto Wildlife Area Trip Report

Birders, First, thank you for your great help in finding the birds yesterday. Not only did the weather cooperate going from 49 to 86 degrees in a few hours with a light breeze blowing, but yellow wildflowers (California Goldfields) were … Continue reading

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Dairy Mart Birding

Hi Friends, This morning, March 7, eleven birders walked around Dairy Mart ponds and the Bird & Butterfly Garden. The weather was perfect, we had a great time, and we found 59 bird species. Here’s our list: Gadwall Mallard Cinnamon … Continue reading

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