Category Archives: Bird Walks

Caspers Wilderness Preserve – Trip Report

Today, 23 intrepid birders sojourned up the Ortega Highway in Orange County to Caspers Wilderness Preserve. Had we not seen a single bird, this trip would have still have been wonderful. The scenery and vistas are magnificent, reminding one of … Continue reading

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Santee Lakes — Field Trip Results

Bird walk at Santee Lakes, Feb. 21, 2015, 60 species. Wood Duck American Wigeon Mallard Blue-winged Teal Cinnamon Teal Northern Shoveler Ring-necked Duck Lesser Scaup Bufflehead Ruddy Duck Pied-billed Grebe American White Pelican Double-crested Cormorant Great Blue Heron Great Egret … Continue reading

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Bird Tally, Tecolote Canyon, 2/14/2015

Below is the bird tally from Tecolote Canyon yesterday. Thanks go to the 15 plucky birders who braved the temperature that reached nearly 85 degrees. Tecolote Canyon Natural Park, San Diego, US-CA Feb 14, 2015 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM … Continue reading

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San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary Trip Report

Great birding today. Thank you for your eyes and ears. Interesting to see the Tree Swallows “dibsing” their nesting boxes. Sally Sanderson Subject: eBird Report – San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary–Fledgling Loop Trail, Feb 7, 2015 San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary–Fledgling Loop … Continue reading

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Question on Strange American Wigeon Seen on Oak Hill Walk

(The following is copied from SanDiegoRegionBirding Yahoo Group) Hybrid duck at Oak Hill Cemetery: Am Widgeon x Wood Duck? Posted by: ciderpressc Date: Sun Feb 1, 2015 10:31 am ((PST)) A little help please, Gary Nunn, or Matt or … Continue reading

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Oak Hill Cemetery Trip Report

I hope all 38 participants in Saturday’s walk enjoyed it as much as I did. The large group found 47 species under cloudy skies. We didn’t find the Vermilion Flycatcher, but did have a great view of a Ferruginous Hawk. … Continue reading

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Guajome January 24, 2015 Bird Count

It was a lovely day in the neighborhood as 21 PAC Birders set out to canvas Guajome Park. We were missing the usual early morning contribution by Sonia and Michael Beevé (where were they anyway!) but we still racked up … Continue reading

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Dos Picos County Park / Rangeland Road Trip Report

Hi Everyone,
Yesterday, January 17, thirty birders walked around Dos Picos County Park and Rangeland Road in Ramona and found 61 different bird species. The weather was perfect. Birds of the day were 5 varied thrushes and a purple finch at … Continue reading

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Sweetwater River Field Trip

While most of the country is suffering an artic blast of cold air, 18 birders enjoyed a warm beautiful day in San Diego. For the fourth year in a roll we saw an Eurasian Wigeon. We also saw several Surf … Continue reading

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Dixon Lake Field Trip Results

Hi Birders, Twelve birders walked around Dixon Lake this morning and we found 41 bird species. I expected a larger number of species and I think the recent really cold mornings had a lot to do with it.   The best … Continue reading

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Tijuana Estuary/7th street bird walk

17 birders encountered mostly cloudy skies but good birding. Highlights incl Cactus wren, Burrowing owl, Yellow-crowned night-heron, Surf scoter and Peregrine falcon. A total of 79 species were seen: Brant Gadwall American Wigeon Mallard Blue-winged Teal Cinnamon Tael Northern Shoveler … Continue reading

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San Elijo Lagoon, Saturday 12/13/14 Field Trip Results

Hi everyone, We had a nice day of birding at San Elijo Lagoon on Saturday. Despite a bit of rain at the start it turned out to be quite nice. I would like to thank Paul for ensuring the rain … Continue reading

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Lake Elsinore Field Trip Results

Hi Friends, Yesterday, Saturday Dec 6, thirteen birders met up for a walk around Lake Elsinore. The weather was fantastic and we found 74 bird species. We had really good looks at a beautiful Red-breasted Sapsucker and an unexpected visit … Continue reading

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eBird Report – San Jacinto Wildlife Area, Nov 30, 2014

Birders, It was another great day at San Jacinto. The weather cooperated. The birders not so much. We were a large group. And 10 cars. What do you think…the soaring Golden Eagles were the highlight?  The Merlin perched up close … Continue reading

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Salt Works — Field Trip Results

Hi Friends, This morning, November 22, thirty-four birders met up at the South Bay Salt Works in National City. The weather was perfect and everybody had a great time. Many thanks go out to FWS Ranger Debbie Good for her … Continue reading

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Bird Tally, Lindo Lake, 11/15

Here’s the final bird tally for our Lindo Lake odyssey yesterday. Highlights included a huge flock of Red-crowned and Lilac-crowned Parrots, our friendly Greater White-fronted Goose, and close-up Tricolored Blackbirds. Special thanks go to our younger birders, Trysten Loefke and … Continue reading

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Lake Hodges Bernardo Bay Field Trip Results

Hi Everyone, On a very warm day and the lake just about dried up, twenty-two birders found 51 bird species. Here is our list of bird species as reported by our field trip leader, Tom Trowbridge: Gadwall American wigeon Northern … Continue reading

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Mission Bay Flood Control Channel & Famosa Slough Trip Report

Fifteen birders enjoyed a break in the rain storms to see 59 species. Gadwall Eurasian Wigeon American Wigeon Eurasian WigeonXAmerican Wigeon Hybrid Mallard Blue-winged Teal Cinnamon Teal Northern Shoveler Green-winged Teal Lesser Scaup Bufflehead Ruddy Duck Pied-billed Grebe Horned Grebe … Continue reading

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