Dan Suzio Photography Offering Workshop in Ecuador in September

Black-tailed trainbearer, female (left) and male

Join me for a photography workshop in Ecuador

With over 1,600 species in an area smaller than the state of Arizona, Ecuador’s diversity of birds is among the highest in the world. The country’s location on the equator means that migrating birds will visit from both the northern and southern hemispheres, and its range of elevations, from sea level to over 20,000 feet, provides a great variety of habitats.

In this workshop we will visit seven locations in Northwestern Ecuador, giving us a sampling of different habitats and the opportunity to photograph a wide range of avian diversity. Our target species will include toucans, woodcreepers, and antpittas in the rainforest (elevation 3,000 ft); tanagers, barbets, and oropendolas in the cloud forests (5,500 to 10,500 ft); and lapwings, caracaras, and ibis in the paramo (13,000 ft). We’ll take a pre-dawn hike to photograph the mating display of the Andean cock-of-the-rock. We’ll look for Andean condors on Mt. Antisana. And we’ll see an amazing variety of hummingbirds at almost every location. We will also visit the historic city of Quito and the Otavalo Indian market, which will give us an introduction to Ecuadorian culture and provide a variety of photo opportunities.

For More Information on Cost and Itinerary visit Dan Suzio Photography


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