Great news!
Today, Mendocino County Board of Supervisors voted 3-2 to deny the appeal to stop California State Parks from continuing its restoration of Western Snowy Plover habitat on Ten Mile Dunes Natural Preserve.
This would not have been possible without you, our Western Snowy Plover advocates. Mendocino County supervisors received over 600 emails from Audubon California supporters all over the state!
A special thank you to Becky Bowen and Joleen Ossello from the area’s chapter, The Mendocino Coast Audubon Society. The chapter’s Save Our Shorebirds program is one of the reasons the Western Snowy Plover is making a comeback in Mendocino.
Becky and Joleen will continue to monitor the situation in case Westport Advisory Committee, the group who filed the appeal, takes its case to the Coastal Commission.
In the meantime, if you want to extend your appreciation to the shorebird heroes that make up this chapter, please leave them a note of support on their Facebook page.
Photo by K. Schneider

Audubon California | 220 Montgomery Street, Suite 1000 | San Francisco, CA 94104