May 2024 Palomar Audubon Society Field Trip to Sweetwater River Gorge

Hello Birding Friends,

The Palomar Audubon Society had a lovely field trip through the Sweetwater River Gorge and San Diego National Wildlife Refuge on May 25, 2024.  The weather was overcast and squeezed out a bit of drizzle on the group of 23 birders but the rainbow made it worth the inconvenience.  Spring migration continues to leave us wanting, but we were treated with numerous singing Yellow Warblers, Yellow Breasted Chats, and Bells Vireo.  We also had some great looks at Tree Swallows, Downy and Nuttall’s Woodpeckers as well as a few Ash Throated Flycatchers.  Perhaps the stars of the show, if we had to choose, would be the Lawrence’s Goldfinch, a White-tailed Kite, and a gangly Red-tailed Hawk almost ready to leave the nest.  As always, it was a pleasure to walk with this group.

Many thanks to Steve Ellis for keeping the list; you can view it here along with the great work of our talented photographers.

Happy Trails,

Beth Pearson, Trip facilitator

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