Hi Good Friends,
On Saturday, October 8, twenty-three birders met up in Huntington Beach
at 2 of Orange County’s famous birding hot-spots. Initially, we birded
Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve, and later we met up at the Huntington
Central Park for a picnic lunch and an afternoon of more birding. The
weather was really nice and everybody enjoyed a full day of birding.
At Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve, we found 47 bird species. There were
lots of Ruddy Ducks, Marbled Godwits, & Willets. See our checklist and
some nice photos here: https://ebird.org/checklist/S120265651
And we found 39 bird species at Huntington Central Park. Lots of
Mallards, Yellow-rumped Warblers, Orange-crowned Warblers, & Swinhoe’s
White-eye. See our checklist and some nice photos here:
Many thanks to Mary Jo Hayes for maintaining our checklist, and also,
thanks to our wonderful photographers.
JIM BECKMAN trip leader