These young Burrowing Owls live underground in burrows dug out by other creatures like prairie dogs. These were photographed in southern California, USA by Leslie Reagan
Wire-tailed swallow. There are two sub species of this swallow, this is the Asian sub-species Hirundo smithii filifera, the other sub-species H.s. smithii occurs in Africa. Photographed by Manoj K. Bind
These Whiskered Terns can migrate up to 8000 kilometres to breed. Photo by Prasenjit Choudhury
Whinchats breed in Europe and over-winter in central Africa. Photo by Jörg Asmus
Paternity appears unimportant for Western Bluebirds. A study found 45% of males to be tending nests of young that were not theirs. Photo by Jola Chartlon
The preferred habitat of the Swallow-tailed Kite are woodlands and wooded wetlands. Photo by Melissa Penta
These Spotted Owlets have adapted to living in cities. Photo by Hardik Rathod
Spotted Nutcrackers mate for life. Photo by Rajesh Chaube
The colorful Small Niltava is found in India and south-east Asia. Photo by Pranesh Kodancha
Secretarybirds are endemic to Africa. This one was photographed in Tanzania by Edwin Godinho
The Ruddy Turnstone likes to breed in open tundra habitat. Photo by Melissa Penta
The Red-billed Tropicbird has tail streamers which are around twice their body length. Photo by Christopher Ciccone
Red Avadavat’s have become popular in the pet trade because of their bright plumage. Photo by Shishir Saksena
Fisherman have been known to use the presence of these Spot-billed Pelicans to find certain species of fish. Photo by Santanu Sarkar
These Little Ringed Plovers breed in open gravel habitats. Photo by Zahran CR
The Indian Stone Curlew is native to India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Photo by Asim Haldar
The Indian Roller is the state bird in many states of India. Photo by Sanjeev Kapadia
A Greater Flamingo in captivity lived over 60 years. Photo by Anvita Paranjpe
The Southern Double-collared Sunbird is endemic to South Africa. Photo by F Cotterill
The Flame-throated Bulbul is found in south-western India. Photo by Sudipta Chakraborty
The Eastern Cattle Egret gets its name from its association with cattle, they follow cattle to catch the insects that are kicked up from the grass. Photo by Prasenjit Choudhury
Small birds are known to mob Brown Fish Owls when they are roosting in trees. Photo by Ashwath Pandi
The Black-naped Monarch has been known to be caught in orb-web Spider webs. Photo by Avinash Sharma
Bay-backed Shrikes impale their prey on sharp points. Photo by Ram Vaidyanathan
Anna’s Hummingbird is one of the most common birds on the west of the US. Photo by Teri Franzen