Author Archives: Palomar

Agua Dulce Creek Field Trip Results

Hi Everyone, On Saturday June 8, eleven birders walked the trail along Agua Dulce Creek in the Laguna Mountains. The weather was perfect. Although we didn’t find a lot of birds, everybody enjoyed the beautiful mountain location and the cool … Continue reading

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William Heise/Santa Ysabel Mission Trip Report

The weather was very comfortable with partly cloudy skies. Fifteen birders joined the walk. The highlights were an outstanding view of a pair of Hairy Woodpeckers and singing male Black-headed Grosbeaks. Many of the birds seen were going to nest … Continue reading

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Sweetwater River Gorge Field Trip Results

Hi Friends, On Saturday May 25, twenty-one birders walked the Sweetwater River Gorge trail and we found 41 bird species. Perfect weather with the overcast sky and cool breeze. Lots of Yellow-breasted Chats, Least Bell’s Vireos, and Ash-throated Flycatchers. Surprise … Continue reading

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Eastern Sierra Trip Report

From May 3 to May 7, 2019, 12 birders from Palomar Audubon made a fantastic trip to the Eastern Sierra, racking up a total of 140 species during the trip.  Led by Steve Ellis and Hal Benham, the group was … Continue reading

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Kit Carson Trip Report

Nineteen birders enjoy good weather for an enjoyable day of birding. Due to the Escondido Rescue Run, we had to modify our planned route. We birded the east end of the park and were able to bird most of the … Continue reading

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eBird Report – Lindo Lake , May 11, 2019

Below is our trip list for yesterday’s walk at Lindo Lake. The walk began with increasingly heavy rain, and ended (at least officially) when thunder was heard. Despite the truncated walk, our bird sightings were very respectable. Jack Friery Lindo … Continue reading

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Daley Ranch Trip Report

It was a foggy morning and we had 12 birders join us for a pleasant walk. We found 38 species. MallardRuddy DuckCalifornia QuailPied-billed GrebeRed-shouldered HawkRed-tailed HawkAmerican CootMourning DoveAnna’s HummingbirdAllen’s HummingbirdAcorn WoodpeckerNuttall’s WoodpeckerNorthern FlickerBlack PhoebeAsh-throated FlycatcherCassin’s KingbirdWestern Scrub JayAmerican CrowCommon RavenOak … Continue reading

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Big Morongo, April 26, 2019 Trip Report

It was another pleasurable day. Ten birders made the trip and it was very convivial group. We saw pretty well all the special birds that we don’t get closer to home. Dee Zeller (the preserve host) and others who manage … Continue reading

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Wilderness Gardens Preserve Field Trip Results

Hi Everyone, On Saturday April 20, twenty-three birders walked around beautiful Wilderness Gardens Preserve and we found 52 bird species. It was a relatively cool overcast morning compared to the frequent hot weather walks in past years at this location. … Continue reading

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eBird Report – Dairy Mart Rd. and Bird & Butterfly Garden

Hello, all. Below is the tally from yesterday’s jaunt through Dairy Mart and the Bird & Butterfly Garden.  You’ll note that there are some late additions. Gail DeLalla tarried at the Bird & Butterfly Garden after we left, and had … Continue reading

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Tree Care for Birds eNews

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Old Mission Dam Trip Report

The weather was partly cloudy with slight breeze. Everything was very green from recent rain, but many of the trees look like their tops had been cut. Had a rare sighting of a Townsend’s Solitaire, which was a life bird … Continue reading

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Flying into McAllen, Texas in early March, eleven friends of Palomar Audubon had high expectations for life birds. After meeting Mary Gustafson, our guide, we were off for some evening birding in McAllen. Our first target was the Green Parakeet, … Continue reading

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San Pasqual Valley Field Trip Results

Hi Friends,  Twenty-two birders walked the San Pasqual Agriculture Trail on Saturday March 30, and found 45 bird species. Fantastic weather. Lots a fun! Best bird of the day was the sub-adult Bald Eagle which remained perched on a utility … Continue reading

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IIdyllwild Adventure Tour Trip Report

17 birders, in 7 cars, traveled to 6 locations to see 56 bird species. Steve Ellis did a great job of keeping the group together and leading to the various destinations. These were: Aguanga (12 species), .the Kwikset Meadow in … Continue reading

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Hodges Trip Report – 3-16-2019

35+ birders enjoyed a very pleasant day at Lake Hodges.  We found 54 species including 2 active bushtit nests!  Here is the list:   Mallard American Wigeon Mallard California quail Eared Grebe Western grebe Clark’s grebe American White Pelican Double … Continue reading

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San Jacinto Field Trip

Saturday, March 9 we had 10 participants make the trip to the San Jacinto Wildlife Preserve. We spotted 39 species even though only half the preserve was open due to muddy conditions. GadwallMallardCinnamon TealGreen-winged TealNorthern ShovelerBuffleheadRuddy DuckEared GrebeAmerican White PelicanGreat … Continue reading

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Palomar Audubon Society is again offering bird classes on consecutive Tuesday evenings beginning Tuesday April 16, 2019. The first three classes will be for beginners and the last three (starting Tuesday May 7th) will be for intermediate birders. The classes … Continue reading

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