Category Archives: Bird Walks

Escondido Christmas Bird Count Reminder!

A reminder that the Escondido Christmas Bird Count will be held on Saturday, December 31. We welcome birders of all skill levels. Please note that Christmas bird counts are conducted very differently from typical field trips.  Rather than one or … Continue reading

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Lindo Lake Trip Report, 12/3/2016

Below is our tally of birds at Lindo Lake yesterday. We has about 18 stalwart souls attending. On the way back to our cars after our count, some of our friends spotted two new species: Cattle Egret and Bufflehead duck. … Continue reading

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eBird Report – San Jacinto Wildlife Area

Birders, Well, it was kind of a miserable day yesterday, muddy walking, always a light drizzle, a bit cold, a couple birders left early, one or two complained, but, all in all, a good birding day and a life bird … Continue reading

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South Bay Salt Works — Field Trip Report

Hi Everybody, We had a wonderful field trip today, Saturday November 19. Beautiful day, lots of birds, 36 friendly birders. We found 73 bird species. Lots of Eared Grebes, Brant, American Wigeon, and Black-bellied Plover. Two surprise birds for this … Continue reading

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Lake Hodges East/Rancho Bernardo Trip Report

Had about 20 birders on this clear and hot November day.  We had an unusual sighting of a coyote wading in the shallows of the lake.  When Charlotte reviewed her photo of the coyote, she spotted two more bird:  Northern … Continue reading

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Daley Ranch Field Trip Report

Hi Friends, Yesterday morning, Saturday Nov 5, ten birders checked out Daley Ranch. It was a sunny warm day, but cool breezes helped to make the walk very enjoyable. Because of the drought, all of the ponds with water that … Continue reading

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San Diego River Estuary / Famosa Slough Trip Report

This walk’s route was changed to chase two recently seen San Diego rarities. We did not see the Lark Bunting, but did find the Gray Catbird. I believe we had about 28 birders on the walk, but at each of … Continue reading

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Trip Report, La Jolla Cove

Below is our eBird report for La Jolla Cove yesterday. The trip was attended by about 25 people, including two visitors from Northern California. Many thanks to our resident Cove expert, Stan Walens, who again volunteered his expertise. La Jolla … Continue reading

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Lake Hodges Trip Report

Saturday started out cool and cloudy, with sun breaking through around 10:30. 26 birders found 54 species of birds. A nice morning. Mallard Ruddy Duck California quail Eared grebe Western grebe Clark’s grebe Double crested cormorant Great blue heron Great … Continue reading

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October 8, 2016 Bird Count at Whelan Lake with Palomar Audubon

Fall is coming slowly this year and so, it seems, the volume of migratory birds flying through is far from its peak. Nonetheless, our group of 20 enthusiastic, energetic and happy birders did manage to collect a tally of 63 … Continue reading

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Bolsa Chica / Huntington Central Park Trip Report

Birders, I am providing two separate lists from Saturday’s walk. Eight birders managed to make the long drive up north. A perfect day with a convivial group.  One of the highlights of the walk at Bolsa Chica was helping a … Continue reading

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Batiquitos Lagoon Trip Report

Hi Everyone, This morning, twenty-eight birders checked out Batiquitos Lagoon in Carlsbad. We found 50 bird species. Great looks at a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Belted Kingfisher, and a lone flyover American White Pelican. Perfect weather and here is our species list: … Continue reading

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HI Friends, Twenty-eight birders met up this morning at Oak Hill Memorial Park. This location is a regular winter (February) field trip. Today’s summer field trip was not very productive for finding the birds, but the weather was perfect for … Continue reading

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Kit Carson Park Trip Report

We had 26 birders and gray skies for most of the walk. Highlights included good views of a Bell’s Vireo and Scaly-breasted Munia building a nest. We saw the following 45 species: Gadwall Mallard Pied-billed Grebe Double-crested Cormorant Great Egret … Continue reading

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Dairy Mart & Bird & Butterfly Gardens Trip Report

22 birders enjoyed a overcast cooler day while finding 54 bird species. A smaller subset of birders than went to find three more for a total of 57. Highlights were a female Bulloch’s oriole, an early Ruby-crowned Kinglet and a … Continue reading

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Idyllwild Adventure Tour Trip Report

An army of twenty binocular clad soldiers scoured the higher elevations of Riverside country for alien, no avian, species. They were rewarded when come the end of the day 72 species had been tallied, including three White-headed woodpeckers. This is … Continue reading

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San Elijo Lagoon Field Trip Report

On a warm August morning approximately 30 birders worked the San Elijo Lagoon and the Visitors’ Center. Max L. birded the Center earlier. His birds are marked by *. Visitor Center birds that were added later are marked by **. … Continue reading

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Santee Lakes Trip Report

20 Birders attended the walk on Saturday, August 6 at Santee Lakes. We saw 41 species. Wood Duck Mallard Ring-necked Duck Ruddy Duck Pied-billed Grebe Brandt’s Comorant Great Blue Heron Great Egret Snowy Egret Green Heron Turkey Vulture Osprey Red-shouldered … Continue reading

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