Category Archives: General Interest
Buena Vista Audubon Open House, Dec. 1 – Palomar Audubon Members Are Invited

PAS Birding Trip to Morro Bay – 1/6/2023 to 1/9/2023 – TRIP CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER
The Palomar Audubon Society Travel Committee is pleased to offer our members a birding trip to Morro Bay, California! We will depart San Diego on January 6th and return home January 9th. The driving time is approximately 5 ½ … Continue reading

Christmas Bird Count Update
UPDATE GOOD NEWS! After-birding picnic returns! 2022 ESCONDIDO CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2022 Each year between December 14th and January 5th, thousands of birders and nature enthusiasts participate in one or more of the 2000+ Christmas Bird … Continue reading
The annual BVAS Birdhouse and Nature Art Auction is returning Saturday, October 15!
Buena Vista Audubon’s annual fundraising event is looking for entries for our auction. We hope you will create and donate nature-inspired artwork to make it a successful event. Items can include birdhouses, bird feeders, bee houses, owl or bat boxes, sculptures, or … Continue reading

Magee Marsh Trip, Northwest Ohio, May 14-19, 2023
Palomar Audubon Society is proud to announce a birding trip to:The Warbler Capital of the World: Magee Marsh With World Renowned Birding Guide, Greg Miller!! We will depart San Diego on flights you arrange yourselves, arriving either Cleveland or Detroit … Continue reading

Each year between December 14th and January 5th, thousands of birders and nature enthusiasts participate in one or more of the 2000+ Christmas Bird Counts held annually in the United States, Canada, and many other Western Hemisphere countries. This year … Continue reading

Our PAS Birding Trips/Travel Committee is up and running and we have some great trip ideas for you! Our PAS committee members, consisting of Dianne & Hal Benham, Steve Ellis, Steve Gabbert and Doug Walkley, held a recent meeting and … Continue reading

2022 Teen Scholarship Award
Palomar Audubon Society has a multifaceted mission, including a community outreach program with several special initiatives. One of these initiatives is our teen scholarship program which PAS has sponsored since 2004. Because of delays associated with the COVID pandemic, this … Continue reading
May 2022 Hummingbird Messenger Photo courtesy of Lisa Meyers Swanson – The Hummingbird Whisperer (male Broad-billed hummingbird) SEDONA HUMMINGBIRD FESTIVAL TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE! Festival dates: July 29, 30, and 31st, 2022 ___The time has finally come for you to … Continue reading
Owl Pellets
Name:Janine Message:Greetings,We’ve found some owl pellets at our house in Wildomar. We live at theend of the street next to a large open area so there are many birdsaround here. Hawks, road runners, ravens, or crows, (not sure). quail,humming … Continue reading
Useful Q & A on What to Do When You Find an Abandoned Fledgling Bird
Question: Hi, We have a fledgling Crow in our backyard (also been in both neighbor’sbackyards) that appears to have been abandoned. It’s been 7 or 8 hoursand no adults have come by to feed it. It calls incessantly. I found … Continue reading

Burrowing Owls Need Your Help
An Invitation to Join Friends of Pomona Valley Burrowing Owls Burrowing Owls are small owls that use underground burrows for nest sites and shelter. At one time these owls were very common in California and, even as recently as … Continue reading
Palomar Audubon Picnic Postponed
The Birding classes scheduled for April and May have been cancelled. Anyone that has already signed up for the class will be refunded the amount paid. If feasible, these classes will be offered in the fall. Palomar Audubon Society is … Continue reading
Escondido Christmas Bird Count Reminder
A reminder that the Escondido Christmas bird count will be held on Saturday, December 28. Unlike a regular field trip where everyone birds one or two spots together, the Christmas bird count covers a much larger area (a circle 15 … Continue reading
Environmental, Climate Coalition join forces to Oppose Harvest Hills in Escondido
Wildlife and Habitat Conservation Coalition FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Laura Hunter, 619-997-9983 November 12, 2019 Environmental, Climate Coalition join forces to Oppose Harvest Hills in Escondido Today, more than 20 environmental, conservation, and climate organizations sent a letter to … Continue reading

ESCONDIDO CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2019 Each year between December 14th and January 5th, thousands of birders and nature enthusiasts participate in one or more of the 2000+ Christmas Bird Counts held annually in the United States, Canada, … Continue reading
21st Annual Snow Goose Festival of the Pacific Flyway January 22 – 26, 2020
Wild Adventures, Wild Birds! 21st Annual Snow Goose Festival of the Pacific Flyway January 22 – 26, 2020 Chico, CA Birders and nature enthusiasts of all ages are invited to attend the 21st Annual Snow Goose Festival of … Continue reading