Author Archives: Palomar

Don’t Miss the 30th Annual Bug Fair!

Bug Out With Us! May 21 and 22 Join us for a two-day festival celebrating our winged, multi-legged, squirmy, and sometimes bug-eyed friends. Our highly-anticipated yearly festival features a variety of exhibitors – from exotic insect collections to pet tarantulas, bug-related … Continue reading

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Bird CAMS – May Update

The three owlets look out on the brave new world outside (as seen on cam 2.) Branching Barred Owls Last night the oldest owlet left the nest box and set out somewhat accidentally into the wide world. Over the next few … Continue reading

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Cornell Lab eNews May 2016

Mounting evidence from fossils shows that many dinosaurs wore coats of feathers. Illustration by Zhao Chuang. Is the World Ready to See Dinosaurs as They Really Were? Hollywood may not realize it yet, but the science is clear: many, many … Continue reading

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Alert: Protect the Migratory Bird Treaty Act

One of the oldest environmental laws in our country, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), is coming under attack by Members of Congress. Last year, the House of Representatives passed a provision in a fiscal appropriations bill that would bar the … Continue reading

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Field Trip Results– Wilderness Gardens Preserve

Hi Friends, This morning May 7, fourteen birders walked around Wilderness Gardens Preserve and we found 48 bird species. This location is always a fan favorite.  The weather was cool and overcast which made it a great day for birding. … Continue reading

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eBird News: May 2016

In this issue: Global Big Day is one week away! Opportunities to join Team eBird New eBird/Macaulay Library photo and audio search tool Zeiss eBirder of the Month Challenge: 5 eligible lists on May 14th, Global Big Day eBird Featured … Continue reading

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Adorable Photos of Huddling Birds

When the weather cools down, people hide in their warm dwellings, bears hibernate in caves, and all of nature seems to take a step back, trying to stay warm. When it comes to birds, their options are fairly limited, so … Continue reading

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Daley Ranch Bird List

On a drizzly morning we had nine participants. 40 Species: Mallard California Quail Great Egret Turkey Vulture Cooper’s Hawk Red-shouldered Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Mourning Dove Anna’s Hummingbird Costa’s Hummingbird Rufous Hummingbird Acorn Woodpecker Nuttall’s Woodpecker Northern Flicker Pacific-slope Flycatcher Ash-throated … Continue reading

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Audubon California News — April 2016

You’re invited to join us to count Brown Pelicans in California, Oregon, Washington, and Baja Mexico, on May 7 from 5 – 7 PM. This citizen science birding blitz will capture a comprehensive snapshot of pelican abundance and age distribution. This … Continue reading

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Dairy Mart/Bird & Butterfly Gardens Birding Trip Report

A group of 37 birders enjoyed a productive day in mostly sunshine. Highlights included black-throated magpie jay, red-breasted nuthatch, glaucous-winged gull and 9 warbler species(just a Hermit short of 10). List of 76 species is as follows; Gadwall Mallard Cinnamon … Continue reading

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Stop developers — Protect the SW Willow Flycatcher

Stop the developers! Yet another endangered bird is under attack because the habitat it needs to survive is prized by developers and other interests. This time, the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher has been targeted for removal from the Endangered Species List … Continue reading

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The winners of the Audubon Photo Awards are in!

Take a look at the best bird photos of the 2016 Audubon Photography Awards. More than 7,000 photos were submitted to this year’s Audubon Photography Awards and the contest came down to the wire—a true photo finish. So come take … Continue reading

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Big Morongo Field Trip Report

Away out there, they got a name for wind. They call the wind Mariah.  And over this weekend Mariah was really doing her thing! First, imagine us thirteen birds out there, being buffeted around, loosing our hats, going back for … Continue reading

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Inside Bird Conservation – April 2016

 Inside Bird Conservation – April 2016  Report: 10 of the Worst-sited Wind Energy Projects for Birds\ Although we support Bird-Smart wind energy, we’re concerned that hundreds of thousands of protected birds die each year when they collide with poorly sited … Continue reading

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Brown Pelican Birding Blitz – May 7

You’re invited to a Brown Pelican Birding Blitz: We are asking you, our bird lovers, to volunteer your time to count Brown Pelicans along the coast in California, Oregon, Washington, and Baja Mexico to help us better understand the status … Continue reading

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Endangered Species Day – May 21

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Stunning Birds in Beautiful Photography

Spangel Contingas These little-known and colorful birds can be found in the canopy of the Amazon Rainforests in South America. (Photo by: Chow Yew Wah) Lovebirds The rosy-faced lovebirds are found in arid regions in South West Africa (for example, the Namib Desert). They mostly live … Continue reading

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Cornell Lab eNews – California Condors on Bird Cams, Tips on Finding Nests, and What’s a Robo-Raptor?

Cornell Lab eNews April 2016 Female California Condor #111 feeds her one-day-old chick. Watch Live As A Wild Condor Grows Up For the first time, people who tuned in to the Lab’s live California Condor cam on the morning of April 4 got to … Continue reading

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