Author Archives: Palomar

Video of the Week: Climate Change and Birds

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Top 25 Wild Bird Photographs of the Week #72

Posted by Steve Boyes of National Geographic Expeditions in Bird Watch on September 18, 2014 Blue-eared kingfishers prefer dense shaded forests with small streams across the Indian subcontinent and SE Asia. (PakCik Malek) Asian openbills are found in inland wetlands … Continue reading

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Batiquitos Lagoon Field Trip Report

14 birders braved a rather warm day to tally 41 species. List as follows; Eared Grebe Double-crested Cormorant Great Blue Heron Great Egret Snowy Egret Green Heron Osprey Cooper’s Hawk Ridgway Rail Black-bellied Plover Semipalmated Plover Killdeer Willet Whimbrel Long-billed … Continue reading

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Trip Report for Rancho Peñasquitos Canyon

The weather was clear, bright and warmer than is comfortable.  It was quiet, but 18 birders did manage to see 30 species of birds.  A Lark Sparrow, a first for this area and a Sharp-shinned Hawk, a rare bird for … Continue reading

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Video of the Week – California Gnatcatcher

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Trip Report for Kit Carson Park

Hi Friends, This morning, Saturday, August 30,  twenty-four birders walked around Kit Carson Park. The weather was cool for most of the morning and warmed-up later. The surprise bird of the day was a nice ZONE-TAILED HAWK which made brief … Continue reading

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Trip Report: Dairy Mart Pond & Tijuana Valley

Good afternoon, 22 birders enjoyed a mostly clear and warm morning encountering the following 64 species; Mallard Pied-billed grebe Great blue heron Great egret Snowy egret Green heron Black-crowned night-heron White-faced ibis Turkey vulture Cooper’s hawk Red-shouldered hawk Ridgway’s rail … Continue reading

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Field Trip Results Santee Lakes

14 birder’s enjoyed a hot day and totaled 40 species.   wood duck mallard pied billed grebe double crested cormorant least bittern great blue heron great egret snowy egret black crowned night heron osprey red tailed hawk American coot long … Continue reading

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Trip Report: San Elijo

Good afternoon, 23 birders’s enjoyed a mostly cloudy day and totaled 45 species. Thanks, Michael Mallard Brown Pelican Double-crested Cormorant Great Blue Heron Great Egret Snowy Egret Black-crowned Night Heron Osprey American Kestrel Ridgway’s Rail (Clapper) Black-necked Stilt Greater Yellowlegs … Continue reading

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Robb Field / Famosa Slough Trip Report

Twenty-seven birders enjoyed an overcast day along the San Diego Flood Channel and Famosa Slough.  Several of the returning shore birds were in their breeding plumage.  Large numbers of Little-Blue Herons.  In addition to the 43 species listed, a flock … Continue reading

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Guajome Field Trip REport

What a difference six months makes. The migrating ducks and geese were gone. But the Heron’s and Egret’s came on in full force, as did the Terns as they swooped down on the lake to sweep fish from the lake’s … Continue reading

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Top 25 Wild Bird Photographs of the Week #71

Posted by Steve Boyes of National Geographic Expeditions in Explorers Journal on July 21, 2014 White storks are long-distance migrants that breed in Europe, NW Africa, SW Asia and S Africa, wintering in Africa from tropical Sub-Saharan Africa all the way to S Africa and the Indian … Continue reading

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Tecolote Canyon Field Trip Report

Here’s the tally of birds from Tecolote Canyon yesterday. Tecolote Canyon Natural Park, San Diego, US-CA Jul 19, 2014 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM Comments:     Palomar Audubon Society/20 attendees 32 species (+3 other taxa) hawk sp. Western Gull Eurasian Collared-Dove … Continue reading

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Audubon California News — July 2014

AUDUBON CALIFORNIA NEWS July 2014ESA protections should be upheld for CA Gnatcatcher Audubon California is opposing the latest attempt by southern California developers to remove the California Gnatcatcher from protection under the Endangered Species Act. The delisting petition relies on … Continue reading

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Top 25 Wild Bird Photographs of the Week #70

Posted by Steve Boyes of National Geographic Expeditions in Explorers Journal on July 17, 2014 Sunda frogmouths prefer the subtropical or tropical moist lowland, mangrove, montane forests in Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia. (Syahputra Putra) Tricolored herons are resident breeders from the Gulf states of the USA and … Continue reading

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Field Trip Report for Tijuana Estuary

Birders, Here is one part of the ebird reports I made today. Great day, not to be duplicated anytime soon. Sonia may share some video of the feeding frenzy.   Sally Sanderson   Subject: eBird Report – Tijuana River mouth, … Continue reading

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Lake Murray Field Trip Results

Hi Friends, Yesterday, July 5, sixteen birders walked around Lake Murray on a very warm holiday Saturday morning. We checked out the north side of the lake as well as the southern Kiowa Drive area. I think everybody had a … Continue reading

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Top 25 Wild Bird Photographs of the Week #68

Posted by Steve Boyes of National Geographic Expeditions in Explorers Journal on June 30, 2014 White-faced ducks breed in sub-Saharan Africa and much of S America. The dynamic behind this disjunct distribution are unclear. (Rodnick Clifton Biljon‎) Kalij pheasants are found in forests and thickets in the … Continue reading

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