Category Archives: Bird Walks

Sweetwater River/Bonita Field Trip Report

The sunny day started cool, but warmed up quickly. 22 birders joined the walk. The highlight was an Eurasian Wigeon and an Osprey fishing. We saw or heard 46 species. Blue-winged Teal Cinnamon Teal Northern Shoveler Eurasian Wigeon American Wigeon … Continue reading

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Dixon Lake Field Trip Results

Hi Friends, On Saturday January 6, twenty-six birders walked around Dixon Lake. We found 61 bird species. The weather was fantastic. The best birds of the day were the Red-breasted Sapsucker (an annual visitor) and the recent arrival of the … Continue reading

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Tijuana River Estuary Bird Walk Report

Good afternooon,     16 birders braved cold, clear skies, which eventually clouded over, instead of the long lines to department stores to find a total of 51 species.  Highlights incl American goldfinch, Horned lark, Fox sparrow and Loggerhead shrike(see … Continue reading

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Birdwalk at Los Jilgueros and Live Oak Park

Although the day seemed to started out slow, we were all pleased that the final count came out at 53! Afterwards, 24 of the group drove just another mile or so to feast on a wonderful buffet lunch at our … Continue reading

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San Elijo Lagoon Field Trip Results

Hi Friends, On Saturday December 9, twenty-four birders checked-out San Elijo Lagoon. The weather was perfect and everyone enjoyed this favorite coastal location.  Because of trail closures, we were only able to hike the Rios East trail. For an additional … Continue reading

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Lindo Lake Field Trip Results

Hi Everyone, On Saturday December 2, twenty-two birders walked around Lindo Lake and we found 56 bird species. The weather was perfect — a nice cool autumn day. We saw lots of Coots, Grackles, and Black-crowned Night-Herons. Probably the best … Continue reading

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eBird Report – San Jacinto Wildlife Area, Nov 26, 2017

Birders, It was a good day to be birding, hot, but not too hot, no mud like last year, a bit hazy, good companionship and lots of help in spotting and IDing the birds, We never did find my Lesser … Continue reading

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Salt Works Field Trip Results

Hi Birders, This morning, Saturday November 18, twenty-eight birders met up at the Salt Works and enjoyed a really fun field trip.  The weather was perfect, good friends, and we found 67 bird species. As usual, lots of Eared Grebes, Sandpipers, … Continue reading

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Lake Hodge (Bernardo Side) Trip Report

Had 27 birders join the walk, including about 9 veterans.  The sky was clear with temperatures in high 70’s.  It was one of our best days for seeing gnatcatchers and Rock Wrens.  For those that took photos, please send some to that we can … Continue reading

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Daley Ranch Field Trip Results

Hi Everyone, This morning, Saturday November 4, ten birders hiked around Daley Ranch in the hills above Escondido. We had a very enjoyable walk with excellent weather and a really fun group of birders. We found 40 bird species. Besides … Continue reading

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San Diego River Trip Report

The day started out overcast and was sunny and warm later in the morning. 23 birders joined us for this walk. The highlight of the walk was outstanding view of a rare Tri-colored Heron actively feeding. It hunts with its … Continue reading

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Whelan Lake Birding Report

Saturday was a great day for birding. Our final tally was 72 species. Six more species than our 2014 record. It was clear all morning, starting off cool and ending up hot. We were blessed with about 20 white pelicans that made … Continue reading

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Trip Report: La Jolla Cove

Below is our eBird tally of the birds seen by 20 stalwart souls on the Palomar Audubon walk last Saturday. Perhaps the most exciting bird seen was a Black Oystercatcher, cracking open a mussel for breakfast. (Some might vote for … Continue reading

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Bolsa Chica Field Trip Report

Birders, Here is the report from the first leg of Saturday’s walk, a corrected report.  Highlights include the two Tricolored Herons seen interacting at one point and the numerous Reddish Egret.  Good views of the Light-footed Clapper Rails, too. It was … Continue reading

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Lake Kumeyaay Field Trip Results

Hi Everyone, On Saturday September 23, ten birders met up at Lake Kumeyaay for a really fun morning of birding. The weather was perfect. Overcast with a cool breeze. We found 38 bird species. Highlights included up-close views of several … Continue reading

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Batiquitos Lagoon, Trip Report

Hi, Birders, What was a quiet (bird-wise) and cool day turned exciting with an unexpected sighting of an adult Yellow-crowned Night Heron hanging near a couple of Black-crowned Night Herons and some long-legged waders. The tide was in so no … Continue reading

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Oak Hill Memorial Park Field Trip Results

Hi Friends, On Saturday morning September 9, nineteen birders enjoyed a slow-paced walk around Oak Hill Memorial Park. The weather was perfect with a cool breeze and the shade of the mature trees. A great location for easy summer birding. … Continue reading

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East Penasquitos Canyon Trip Report

Eight birders took part in the walk on the greatest statewide heat wave ever recorded in California.  It was 101 degrees at the end of the walk.  We did manage to see 31 species, including a close sighting of the elusive Wrentit. California … Continue reading

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