Author Archives: Palomar

Whelan Lake Trip Report

March 21, 2015 September 27, 2014 SWANS, GEESE & DUCKS SWANS, GEESE & DUCKS * Wood Duck * Wood Duck Gadwall * Mallard * Mallard Cinnamon Teal * Cinnamon Teal * Northern Shoveler * Northern Shoveler * Green-winged Teal * … Continue reading

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Bird Cams eNews

Owlets:  See Them While You Still Can The two young Great Horned Owls in Savannah, Georgia, are growing up fast. They’re not quite ready to fledge and fly off, but they are getting big enough that the nest is starting … Continue reading

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San Jacinto Wildlife Area Trip Report

Birders, First, thank you for your great help in finding the birds yesterday. Not only did the weather cooperate going from 49 to 86 degrees in a few hours with a light breeze blowing, but yellow wildflowers (California Goldfields) were … Continue reading

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eNews: The Mystery of Beautiful Males—Explained

Cornell Lab eNews March 2015 The Mystery of Beautiful Males—Explained We love birds because of their outrageous beauty—but why is it the males that so often look fabulous? It’s an age-old question, now explored in depth at All About Bird Biology. With colorful quizzes … Continue reading

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Volunteer at Palomar Mountain

Park Champions Program  Celebrate spring by volunteering at your favorite state parks this Sunday! Join one of our Park Champions volunteer teams for an upcoming workday and help restore valuable plant and animal habitat at Palomar Mountain or repair popular … Continue reading

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GBBC eNews: Overall Count Summary

GBBC eNewsletter March 10, 2015 Western Meadowlark, Chuck Gibson, Kansas, 2015 GBBC GBBC 2015  Overview You did it! Once again participants from around the world set new records for the number of species identified during the four days of the … Continue reading

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Dairy Mart Birding

Hi Friends, This morning, March 7, eleven birders walked around Dairy Mart ponds and the Bird & Butterfly Garden. The weather was perfect, we had a great time, and we found 59 bird species. Here’s our list: Gadwall Mallard Cinnamon … Continue reading

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Caspers Wilderness Preserve – Trip Report

Today, 23 intrepid birders sojourned up the Ortega Highway in Orange County to Caspers Wilderness Preserve. Had we not seen a single bird, this trip would have still have been wonderful. The scenery and vistas are magnificent, reminding one of … Continue reading

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Six Ways to Save Monarchs

from Wildlife Promise 17 2/10/2015 // By David Mizejewski/ Monarch butterflies are in trouble. Over the last few decades, populations of these iconic orange and black butterflies have declined by over 90 percent. The National Wildlife Federation is teaming up … Continue reading

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Do Bird-Friendly Yards Attract More Predators?

  Male Northern Cardinal at nest. Photo by Carolyn Mathur. Do Bird-Friendly Yards Attract More Predators? As more bird enthusiasts replace their lawns with bird-friendly plantings like trees and shrubs, they might be concerned about attracting nest predators into the … Continue reading

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Santee Lakes — Field Trip Results

Bird walk at Santee Lakes, Feb. 21, 2015, 60 species. Wood Duck American Wigeon Mallard Blue-winged Teal Cinnamon Teal Northern Shoveler Ring-necked Duck Lesser Scaup Bufflehead Ruddy Duck Pied-billed Grebe American White Pelican Double-crested Cormorant Great Blue Heron Great Egret … Continue reading

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Sedona Hummingbird Festival

Sedona Hummingbird Festival THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE IN AMERICA TO SEE HUMMINGBIRDS!(SM) THIS YEAR’S FESTIVAL: JULY 31 – AUGUST 2, 2015 A 30-second video about the 2014 Festival!   Presentations, Marketplace, and ticket sales take place at: Sedona Red Rock … Continue reading

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Interesting Program on PBS’ Nature Program

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Petition to Regulate Wind Industry, MBTA Rulemaking, USDA Oil Spill Response Effective

    ABC Submits New Petition to Regulate the Wind Industry — FWS Considering Rulemaking American Bird Conservancy (ABC) has filed a formal petition with the U.S. Department of the Interior calling for the agency to establish new regulations governing … Continue reading

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Protect Humboldt Bay Birds

We need your help to protect one of California’s most important places for birds. Please send an email today to the members of the Humboldt Bay Harbor Commission asking them to protect vital bird and Pacific herring habitat in the … Continue reading

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Bird Tally, Tecolote Canyon, 2/14/2015

Below is the bird tally from Tecolote Canyon yesterday. Thanks go to the 15 plucky birders who braved the temperature that reached nearly 85 degrees. Tecolote Canyon Natural Park, San Diego, US-CA Feb 14, 2015 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM … Continue reading

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Two New Books on Birds

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Audubon California Enews and Take Action to Save California Gnatcatcher

AUDUBON CALIFORNIA NEWS February 2015 Tell the Feds the Gnatcatcher exists The latest attempt by some Southern California developers to have the Coastal California Gnatcatcher removed from protections under the Endangered Species Act is pretty outrageous – they claim the … Continue reading

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