Author Archives: Palomar

Tell Duke Energy: Stop Killing Birds and the Laws That Protect Them

Duke Energy appears to be the culprit behind the recent spate of attacks on the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). Duke Energy—the nation’s largest electric utility company—has launched a vendetta against the MBTA after being slapped with a $1 million … Continue reading

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Sign the petition: Tell Congress to stop denying climate science!

Tell Congress to acknowledge that climate change is real and human activity is a significant cause » Tell Congress to stop denying the scientific evidence of climate change » The economy-crushing drought in California — harsh, extreme winters in the … Continue reading

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Say NO to Taxpayer Funded Destruction of Wetland Habitat

Protect Wetlands for Canvasback Ducks Send a message—No public funding for the destruction of wetland habitat>> Despite our best efforts, Congress included a very dangerous loophole in the current Farm Bill that could actually pay farmers—using taxpayer dollars—for draining and … Continue reading

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Palomar Mountain Trip Report

Hi Friends, Today, twenty birders hiked around Palomar Mountain State Park.The weather was comfortably cool, but the flying bugs were a nuisance!  We found 37 bird species. Many Dark-eyed Juncos, House Wrens, and Violet-green Swallows. Here’s our list: Gadwall Mallard … Continue reading

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Top 25 Wild Bird Photographs of the Week #40

        Posted by Steve Boyes of National Geographic Expeditions in Bird Watch on March 24, 2013 “This award-winning photograph was taken by Owen Deutsch in Fox Lake, IL and is a North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) … Continue reading

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Audubon Against the ‘Bird Killer Amendment’

Reckless Sneak Attack on America’s Birds Tell your senators to oppose the ”Bird Killer Amendment.” Take Action Everything you need to know about the latest assault on keeping birds alive. Source: Against the ‘Bird Killer Amendment’ | Audubon ACTION ALERT … Continue reading

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Speak Up for 50 Million Acres of Sagebrush Habitat

Greater Sage-Grouse are Depending on You Speak up for greater sage-grouse and 350 other species today>> Good news! Last week people like you spoke up for the imperiled greater sage-grouse against efforts in Congress to weaken the Endangered Species Act, … Continue reading

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Cuyamaca State Park Trip Report

Saturday, June 20th, was a lovely, but warm day in the mountains. 20 birders got good looks at some of the mountain birds that we don’t regularly see, including a Black-chinned Sparrow. We had 46 species of birds in all. … Continue reading

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Agua Dulce Trip Report

Location: Laguna Mtns.–Agua Dulce Creek, San Diego County, CA Date and Effort: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:00 AM Protocol: Traveling Party Size: 18 Duration: 3 hour(s), 15 minute(s) Distance: 3.0 mile(s) Trip Leader: Sally Sanderson 37 species total X Mountain … Continue reading

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Act Now: Protect the Migratory Bird Treaty Act!

One of the oldest environmental laws in our country, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), is coming under attack by Members of Congress. This week, the House of Representatives passed a provision in a bill that would bar the Department … Continue reading

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The House of Representatives has voted to prevent Endangered Species Act (ESA) protection and new conservation plans for the Greater Sage-Grouse, and to prohibit ESA protection for the already listed Lesser Prairie-Chicken.  These votes to harm birds were on the … Continue reading

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Some Birds Will Nest Just About Anywhere!

Birds need to nest. It is where they raise their young and find shelter. They can get quite creative about their choice of locations, however, and it can be quite surprising to see just how clever they can be when … Continue reading

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Tell CA Fish and Game Commission to list the Tricolored Blackbird

Time is running out for the Tricolored Blackbird. Its Emergency Endangered Species Act protections run out onJune 30. We know this species needs the State’s protection. This year the Act was critical in saving several colonies of nesting birds. Send … Continue reading

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William Heise County Park/Santa Ysabel Mission Field Trip Report

Sixteen birders enjoyed perfect weather for the walk. We saw 45 species at Heise. Was not able to find a Black-chinned Sparrow, but did enjoy a Lazuli Bunting. The Purple Finch was heard only. At Santa Ysabel Mission, there was … Continue reading

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Merlin: Instant, intelligent bird photo recognition in the palm of your hand

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Visipedia have collaborated to develop Merlin, a machine-learning program that helps to identify various species of birds in a photograph, both at home and in the field. Merlin, available both online and as… Source: … Continue reading

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No to new offshore oil drilling

Last week’s oil spill at Refugio State Beach in Santa Barbara illustrates just how devastating for birds and habitat this type of pollution can be. Right now, a loophole in state law would permit new offshore oil drilling in some … Continue reading

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Demand clean air for birds and people

Air pollution in the form of greenhouse gas emissions is the leading cause of global warming. Air pollution also poses an immediate threat to public health, as well as the health of our birds and environment. That’s why I’m hoping … Continue reading

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Sweetwater River Gorge Field Trip Report

20 birders enjoyed a mostly overcast morning to find 54 species. Highlights were several looks at Blue Grosbeak and Yellow breasted chat, a quick look at a Bullock’s Oriole and Bell’s Vireo heard only.C List follows;Thanks, Michael Mallard California Quail … Continue reading

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